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Donut woke up confused.

And sore. Very sore. He winced as he got up from his bed (Bed? he wondered), his entire front side still stinging from the heat of Loser's attacks. He touched his face gingerly; the "skin" felt dried, and it was definitely starting to stiffen. I thought that would take a while to get stiff... he began to think.

...how long have I been out?

Looking around — carefully, as to not twist his injured body too much — he saw that he was inside a small, beige-colored room with a bed, a door without windows, and... well, that was it. The space certainly appeared unassuming. But Donut was willing to bet his diary that the door was locked.

Although still a little woozy from... whatever, he stood up fully and turned to the door. Maybe I can use my telekinesis to break out of here... but I doubt that I'm strong enough. Experimentally, Donut raised his hands and tried to push a wave of energy at the door, but absolutely nothing happened. It was then that the baked good also noticed a silver bracelet wrapped tightly around his right wrist. A tiny green light on it flashed incessantly.

A burst of feedback caused him to jump. A speaker which he hadn't noticed before was perched in one of the upper corners of the cell. "Ah, good to see you've finally awoken, 053," an accented voice emitted from the loudspeaker. Donut didn't recognize it. "Someone will be over to collect you shortly. Please cooperate with him or I'll be forced to knock you out again."

The speaker clicked off. Donut didn't know for sure who the voice belonged to, but he could guess pretty confidently, and if that was correct, then he definitely knew who was on his way.

Three minutes later, one of his fears was confirmed. The door to his cell suddenly opened without warning, sliding into the wall to reveal a certain explosive standing behind it.

A complex mixture of emotions began to bubble up inside Donut — confusion, anger, betrayal, and a pinch of fear. "Bomby..."

Bomby, for it was he standing in front of the baked good, just looked at him sadly and gestured for him to follow.

Donut shook his head. "No. I'm not leaving until I get some answers."

"I promise I'll explain later, if they'll let me," came the reply. "Just... follow me, please. This is hard for me as well."

Anger began to bubble to the forefront of Donut's emotions, but he did his best to push it aside and just followed Bomby instead. He led him out into a white corridor with seven different doors on both long walls. Each one had a name of a different object above it; Gelatin, Spongy, Firey Jr... everyone from Team Ice Cube, minus Bomby.

One extra door at the end of the corridor led them into a different hallway. This one was much like the last one, with seven other doors embedded in the walls, but this time the names of the different teams were inscribed above the entrances.

As Bomby led Donut down to the end of the hallway, where another door lay waiting for them — an elevator door this time — he continued speaking. "I will say, though," he started in an oddly different tone, "it's a shame about that bracelet blocking your powers. Otherwise, you could save me some explaining by reading my mind."

This statement was so unlike Bomby, even in the current context, that Donut just stared at him for a second. But then there was a tiny beep. He glanced down at Bomby's hand — hidden behind his palm was a small remote, and he was removing his index finger from a button. Another glance revealed that the light on his own bracelet has now turned red. Did he just turn it off...?

As they reached the elevator doors, Donut experimentally probed for Bomby's mind. Surprisingly, he was able to get through. A glimmer of hope shot through him, but he quickly pushed it aside to focus on his teammate. If you're seeing these words, Donut, it's because I can't say this out loud; they have cameras everywhere, he read. But there's still a way we can stop them and escape. Here's the plan...

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