'Super' powers

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"Oh my gosh! Loser! We have to do something!" Cake ran towards the front door and yanked down on the handle with his foot, but nothing happened. "The door's jammed!" he said frantically. "There must be rubble on the other side!"

"Stay calm, Cake. We'll get inside." Loser glanced at the window that Remote had thrown Rocky through earlier, but quickly saw that it, too, was covered by debris. The other windows weren't much help either. If anything, it seemed like that the front walls of the second floor had simply slid downward, slotting neatly into the mansion and blocking all exits.

How were they going to help the objects inside?


Needle gasped as the mansion began to shake and crumble around her. She almost fell over, and likely would have died if that happened, but she managed to grab onto the nearest doorframe. In a matter of seconds, wood snapped and split everywhere, falling onto the floor below. Needle clung to the doorframe and squeezed her eyes shut until the shaking and crashing had mostly stopped.

She carefully opened her eyes to look around. The air was thick with dust, but she could still see. Everything looked ruined. Pin, who had been with her moments ago, was nowhere to be seen.

Then she looked down and almost screamed. The bit of floor Needle was standing on, attached to the doorframe, was standing on its own - like a flagpole. All the floor and wall around it had collapsed. A dozen feet down, directly below her, was a full-sized mirror lying faceup on the ground, cracked but somehow intact.

She didn't dare move, but a groaning sound from above made her look up just in time to see Lightning slowly float downwards, right past her.

"Lightning?" Needle asked. She reached out to grab him but just shocked herself, causing her to lose her grip and fall. She closed her eyes again, fully expecting to smash into the mirror and hear a shattering sound.

But it never happened.


Pin blinked. It took her a second to take in her surroundings, partially because she had just been knocked out for a minute, and partially because she was upside-down. Oh great, she thought. I've been pinned again.

She recognized Loser's mansion, but barely - it was in complete shambles. She could hear various objects nearby, talking and shouting at each other. Most of them sounded distressed or confused.

A pile of lumber nearby suddenly shifted, and Ruby and Gelatin emerged from underneath. "Hey! Ruby!" Pin called out. "Help!"

Ruby looked around. "Did you hear that, Gelatin?"

"Hear what?"

"Over here!" Pin said again.

Ruby froze. "Hear that."

"Ruby, lots of people are talking in another room."

"Yeah, but not in this room!"

"Hello?" Pin was aggravated. "We don't have the time for jokes, people! A building just collapsed around us!"

Ruby pointed a shaky finger in Pin's direction. "I- I think it came from over there!"

"Oh, for..." Pin muttered. She decided to just try to get herself unstuck. Wiggling back and forth, she managed to gain enough momentum to somehow pry the loose floorboard that she was stuck in out of the ground. "There we go!"

"Is- is that floorboard floating?" Ruby asked Gelatin nervously.

"I think we're d-dealing with... a g-ghost!" Gelatin stuttered.

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