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[A/N: 10k reads? I love you guys ❤️]

The next day

It was a lovely morning. The weather was calm and agreeable, as it always was in Goiky; the sun shone down on the newly rejuvenated fields and forests, always warm but never unpleasantly so, and any thought of rain or snow simply didn't exist. The objects living there never got tired of the balmy, peaceful, unchanging environment.

It was nearing noon. Everyone was up and about at this point - either wandering about amiably, or chatting with friends, or showing off their still-new powers, if they had any. Most objects were concentrated in that area between the bathroom patio and the golden forest; the main site for a contest whenever one was going on. Everyone's favorite spot.

Well, at the very least, it was Loser's favorite spot. That alone bumped up the popularity of the area significantly. 

The golden cuboid himself was currently surrounded by several other objects. He was often the center of attention, but today, he happened to just be in the literal center of the crowd, and was only talking to a couple others at once, Cake included.

That would soon change.

Another small group of objects - Eraser, Balloony, and Naily - purposefully strolled through the crowd and close to Loser, but not too close. He noticed them and paused the conversation to wave. "Hey, guys! What's up?"

The three of them exchanged glances that he couldn't quite interpret. Instead of responding to his greeting, however, they turned around. "Hey!" Naily shouted, addressing the rest of the crowd. "Can you all listen up for a sec? We got something really important to say!"

It took a few moments, but everyone else - not all the contestants, but everyone who was nearby enough to have heard Naily - halted their conversations and looked towards the trio expectedly.

"Thanks," Eraser said. "Anyway, this might be a bit blunt, but Loser stole someone's power yesterday."

He pointed accusingly at the celebrity, who looked shocked. So did everyone else; nobody was sure what to say for a second, so Eraser took the opportunity to continue. "You all know how my super power is super hearing, right? Well, last night, I was lying awake trying to sleep, when I overheard Loser and Cake talking about something..."

He proceeded to explain how Cake had discovered his own power and told Loser, and how Loser in turn revealed to Cake that he'd accidentally taken Leafy's airbending, and how they theorized that they got those powers from touching the energy sphere that surrounded the mansion two nights previously, at the party.

"I remember that," Liy piped up from somewhere in the crowd. "I was outside when that happened - they both tried to get inside, but the weird bubble thing just repelled them."

Several objects turned to look at the mansion, the ruins of which were still lying in a heap across the field. Several more stared at Loser and Cake with confusion and curiosity. "Loser, is this true?" Gaty asked cautiously.

Loser put on a smile - one that radiated apology, but also confidence. "Sadly, yes. But it happened by accident. I would have told Leafy the moment I found out, but I wanted to try and find a way to reverse it before saying anything. No harm, no foul, right?"

"Yeah!" Cake agreed. Many others nodded at this as well, satisfied. "Hang on!" Eraser shouted. "There's more!"

Loser's smile twitched nervously, but it was barely noticeable. "After that, I definitely couldn't sleep," the pink parallelogram went on. "And after a while, I heard someone get up. I looked around and saw Loser sneaking about. He went up to Basketball while she was sleeping, touched her forehead, and purposely stole her power, then did the same to Marker, Balloony, and Barf Bag."

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