Mechanical Mishaps

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Basketball carefully slid a powerless Remote off of her head and onto a wooden table. On the ground nearby was a toolbox filled with various hardware tools, the same ones she had used to fix up Robot Flower after the lavapocalypse. "Ok, Remote," she muttered, setting the batteries on the ground. "Let's see if I can't fix you up."

She bent down and began to rummage around in her toolbox, looking for a screwdriver. While she did that, Grassy ambled over to her. He opened his mouth to greet his friend, but got distracted by the lifeless Remote lying on the table.

He gingerly tapped the mechanical mind's arm before noticing the two batteries on the ground. An idea sparked in his head and he picked up the power cells. He then climbed on the table, and after a second of figuring out which way was which, inserted them into Remote's casing.

Remote jumped off the table, startling Basketball. She whirled around, amazed that the robot was back on her feet. "What?"

"Grassy has helped!" Grassy explained cheerfully. Basketball started again, not having noticed him at first.

Remote took one look at Basketball and growled. "Tu n'auras plus le dessus sur moi, femme!" Without warning, she bolted.

BB turned to Grassy. "Grassy! Did you put her batteries back in?"

"Yeah! She looked dead, so Grassy recovered her!"

Looking at the young one's smile, she couldn't stay mad for long. She just sighed instead. "Right. Well, now I've got to catch her and fix her."


8-Ball crossed a line through the last item on the list before double-checking it. "Well, guys, I think that's everything for the equipment we need. Do the blueprints look good?"

"I thought you said the blueprints were finished," Puffball complained.

"You can never be too sure. Pie and her... clones have already gone off with the posters I made, and Pen and Liy are retrieving the competing contestants... so I think we're set."

PB did a twirl in the air. "Wooo! TV, now's your time to shine. You ready, bud?"

The screen nodded. "I believe so. The blueprints are in my memory, so... here we go." He paused. "You may want to stand back."

Puffball and 8-Ball flew and rolled back. TV turned away from them, making sure there was sufficient space on the dead grass in front of him, and began to concentrate. The blueprints appeared on his screen, and mentally, he constructed in his mind how it should look in real life.

Slowly, but surely, a massive structure began to take shape in front of him.


Catching Remote was easier said than done.

Remote was faster than she looked, and much more paranoid than usual. Any time Basketball and Grassy got within a hundred feet, she would sprint away again, leading to an endless game of back-and-forth. Even other objects who were good at running that Basketball asked for help, like Needle and Firey, couldn't quite match her speed.

Basketball finally flumped to the ground, panting heavily. Grassy climbed on top of her head. "Alright," she said between breaths. "This clearly isn't working. I don't know how we're supposed to catch her. Any ideas, Grassy?"

"Hmm..." Grassy put his hand to his chin thoughtfully. "Set a... trap?" he asked uncertainly. "But a friendly one! So she doesn't get hurt!"

"No, she doesn't trust anything right now. She wouldn't fall for any bait we set..." She suddenly sat back up, causing Grassy to slide off. "...but maybe we can ask for assistance from someone she trusts." Quickly, she ran the names of Remote's teammates through her mind. "Pen, Liy, and Pie are busy with something right now, I think. She wouldn't trust Tree after earlier, Bottle's too ditzy, and who knows what goes on inside Pillow's head. So that leaves-"

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