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"So... now what?"

Pen's words from half an hour ago echoed in Donut's head. Nobody had spoken again since then, but the five of them had silently and unanimously agreed that they needed a little bit of time to process everything that had happened. Well, the four of them - Lollipop was out cold at the time, too exhausted to stay awake after Loser's brutal onslaught against her shield.

It appeared now, though, that she was finally awake, even though she didn't look very rested. Donut sighed as he stood up and walked towards the others as they congregated, his eyes meandering about the fields as he did so.

He barely even remembered competing in BFDIA; his time there had been so short. The plains were somehow even flatter than the BFB contesting grounds, with the grass being a much lighter shade of green. There were almost no trees or structures around; in fact, the only things visible in the area besides the contestants were the old contest wheel and elimination area, as well as the Evil Forest way, way to the north. The platforms on which the host would stand when performing Cake At Stake were crumbling with age, and the seats for the contestants in danger had mold growing on some parts. It'd been years since any living thing had resided in the area.

After a slow moment, he met up with the others and sat down with them. An uneasy silence settled over the small group for a minute, before Lollipop stated, "Well?"

"Well, what?" Needle glanced at the candy.

"Well, are we going to figure out what we're doing next, or are we just going to sit here like a bunch of idiots?"

Pen spread his hands in the air. "Where do we even begin on that front?"

Donut sighed. "We need to stop Loser. Stop him from... killing everyone else over there, I guess."

"But how?"

That was the part nobody had figured out yet.

Rubbing her forehead, Needle glanced over at Donut. "Donut... I..." She sighed deeply. "I want to apologize for... not listening to you earlier. Or, I guess, not you per se, but just not listening in general back in episode 7. You were one of several others to be the first to see Loser for what he really was back then. I was still entranced by his popularity and..." She buried her face in her hands. "Jeez, I feel terrible."

"Hey," Pen replied softly. "It's alright. You weren't the only one."

"Yeah, but... how did so many of us not-"

"I think I get it now," Donut interrupted. "Of course, I've been extra biased against Loser after he stole and read through my diary, but I think I know why so many of you guys continued to trust Loser, even after that lie in episode 7. 'It was just one little lie, right?' Well, maybe. But I think you guys just missed a point, the point being this: if Loser had lied about the poppers to seem popular, then... what other things had he lied about to gain our trust?"

It was silent for a bit. "At least now we know he was hiding psychopathic tendencies," Lollipop snorted derisively. "Would've been useful to have learned that earlier. But that still brings us back to my original question: what the heck are we doing next?"

"Let's try starting with the abilities we know Loser already has." Needle started to count off on her fingers. "He can't be killed; he has at least two different methods of killing others; he can manipulate gravity, air, water, earth, and possibly fire, if Match didn't get away in time; he can go invisible... he has super... strength..."

She faltered. With each point she made, it was becoming clearer and clearer just how much trouble they were all in. "So it's basically impossible to stop him already. Wonderful," muttered Lollipop.

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