({[LOG: 003]})

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Is this thing on? It had better be. I'd hate to think that I wasted so much time building a simple recording device, only for it not to function. Also, my hand is getting cramped from writing all the previous logs down. (Ow.)

Today is January 30th, 2020. As of this log, there are now nine more subjects with new powers. I keep breaking my previous records. I never thought I would say this, but I believe I'm starting to actually have fun doing this! I also believe I've managed to zero in on the final number of candidates for this project, but I will have to make a little more progress to set that number in stone.

Listed below are the 9 new subjects and results of the abilities my experimentation brought to them.



While some of the abilities that I'm giving these objects are quite complex, such as the mirror portal one, quite a few are also very simple. Short and sweet.

Today, I will be focusing on those simple ones, such as Subject 050's. Although her body is still quite fragile, she can now lift up to approximately fifteen times more than the average object can. Powerful, yet her body is liable to break at no more than a hammer's tap... a "glass cannon," if you will.



While visiting Subject 045, I've noticed that she has a tendency to shout the number "eight" whenever saying a word that rhymes with eight, for reasons unknown. I have not yet found a way to cure her of this yet, so instead I decided to give her the ability to shout much louder than normal whenever she pleases.

Note: soundproof 045's room ASAP, and wear noise-cancelling headphones whenever approaching. She's already purposely broken the microphone on the camera inside, with the mindset that if she's annoying enough, I'll let her go. That is not the case in the slightest.



This "power" is certainly an interesting one, albeit still somewhat simple. The idea was one of those ideas that tend to occur in the middle of the night, when your brain is half shut off. I decided to implement it anyway, though. It amuses me. The ability: Subject 011 can now rotate the petals around her head like a sawblade. In fact, they're sharp enough at the speed to essentially BE a sawblade. She's cut through several materials so far. Quite impressive.



039 can now "spawn" multiple copies of herself and order them around like mindless minions. She actually claims that they're mindless, saying that "unless I tell them to do something, they won't do anything." She can also choose to see and hear out of any existing clone she wishes to, which is quite incredible, and can delete any from existence.

Note 2: the maximum number of clones she can create is unknown right now.



Subject 007's ability is one of the more passive ones. I've greatly increased his range of hearing; he can hear normal and quieter sounds over much larger distances than most objects can, and as a side effect, he appears to be able to understand Subject 002. I'm not quite sure how that works...



This one was quite tricky to accomplish. It was not enjoyable to have to tweak this ability so that it doesn't work with the material the cell walls and floor are made out of, but I've managed to do it.

Subject 046 now has the power to move through solids as if they were gases. To break down how this works a little more (haha), she can will her particles to separate from one another when she touches a solid, so much that the individual atoms can pass through it. They then automatically reassemble on the other side the moment they detect they've passed through said solid. To her, though, it looks like magic.



If Subject 038 makes eye contact with somebody else, he can choose to switch bodies with them. Actually, it's more like switching minds, to be honest. If in the body of another object with an ability of some sort, 038 can also freely use that object's ability. 038 can choose to switch back whenever, but he can be forced back into his body if either he or the object he's currently switched with is killed then recovered.

Note 3: make sure 038 is wearing a blindfold when not being experimented on. He attempted to escape earlier by switching bodies with my assistant.



Some of these experiments are becoming riskier and riskier. For example, Subject 048's new ability to create multiple objects/items in real life by displaying them on his screen proved to be troublesome when he tried to inject me with a syringe of freeze juice. Fortunately, he seems to have a limit on the size of things he can create. I'll have to start keeping an eye on him, though.



For Subject 035, I was originally hoping to make him an amplifier for other subjects' powers. It proved tricky to choose other subjects with abilities that wouldn't be able to overpower me and my assistant if amplified, but I have succeeded. 035's amplification has worked on everyone I've tested so far, but it's unfortunately impossible to test with everyone. As an added caution, I implemented his power such that he can only empower others when making direct contact with them.


All in all, everything is going quite well. There have been some blips here and there, but what's progress without setbacks? My main worry right now is that my assistant's loyalty appears to be dwindling rapidly, but I know he won't do anything as long as I have his friends under my control.

I'm getting closer to the end of stage one, but I hope to finish everything within the next month or two; I don't want the viewers getting suspicious about an extra-long "episode" production length.

This is the end of this recording. Signing out until the next log. Now, how do I turn this thing o-


hmmmm I wonder who this mysterious assistant is

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