({[LOG: 004]})

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-ay's date is February 19th, 2020. As I near the end of this project, I have grown bolder, and I have been giving the most recent subjects riskier and risker powers (such as subjects 018, 037, and 006). As a safety measure, I have also designed a magical bracelet which I can use to dampen or completely block powers at will. Every subject with abilities is currently wearing one of these on an arm (or leg).

Tomorrow, I will start work on the final details needed before I can set them free. I will be recording my work on that in the next and final log.

Listed below are the last 9 new subjects and results of the abilities my experimentation brought to them.



This ability was nearly impossible to test at first. If I even told him about it to see if it worked or not, Subject 018 would simply draw some location outside of my laboratory and escape. Yes, he would be considerably easy to catch, but I cannot risk too much.

Fortunately, I eventually thought of a solution: I would tweak his memories until the only two locations he knew were two separate rooms inside the lab. It worked like a charm. I returned his memories to him after getting a dampener secured to his wrist.



I knew giving Subject 040 the ability to see into the future would be interesting, but I didn't expect her to adapt to it quite so quickly. She began to finish my sentences, and answer my questions before I had even asked them. It's a little disconcerting, actually.

But she did give some very valuable info. She said every time she changed a decision to do something, or made one if she had difficulty choosing, the future would change as well, revealing that what we do does actually matter in the end, rather than everything having a predetermined outcome. It's only made me more determined than ever to complete this project.



Subject 025 can now manipulate... hm. I was originally going to say "the gravitational fields of other objects," but I realized that was inaccurate, as that would imply she could affect the earth's gravitational field, which is untrue. I suppose a more correct description is that she can manipulate how the earth's gravitational field can affect other objects (both sentient and inanimate). By "manipulate," I mean she can increase or decrease the target object's gravity, and even set it to zero, making them entirely weightless. I've lifted other objects before, but I had never experienced what it was like to float around myself before this. It was quite enjoyable.



If not for the dampening bracelets I had created earlier, trying to catch Subject 037 after giving her her power would have been nearly impossible, as she tried to escape several times by teleporting out of the lab. I have never been so grateful to be in possession of something than can be remote-controlled in my life.



After his experimentation, Subject 002 has an ability very similar to the "benders" from the second wave of subjects, most notably Subject 036, or the "earthbender." Rather than the earth itself, however, he can control nature, such as plants, wood, and... er, I suppose that's it. But "plants" is a very broad term, so 002 has many options. Alongside the control of nature, he can additionally accelerate the growth of any flora he controls.

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