The Mind Games, part 1

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Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, and TV emerged from the underground factory to see an enormous building in front of them, bigger than any of them had ever seen.  A large line of objects, contestants of BFB and recommended characters alike, was outside a doorway which was slowly letting them inside. "...when did THIS get here?" Golf Ball asked out loud, bewildered. "And why are there so many recommended characters?"

"Looks like Pie executed her job well," TV mused. "Let's head inside. I think the games are about to start!" He led them over to a side door labeled VIP only and unlocked it.

They walked through a mess of support beams and up several stairs before emerging into an incredible scene. Countless objects, taking up just as many seats which all surrounded a circular arena floor at ground level. The arena seemed to be split into five sections - one with lots of water and ice, another with rocks and stone, a third with lusciously green grass and vines twisting around golden trees, a fourth with metal scrap dotted around the ground, and the final section filled with what looked like floating boxes made of plastic. All sections were the same size, except for the last one, which looked to be about three times larger.

A booming voice suddenly rose from speakers places all over the area. "WELCOME," it shouted, "to the MIIIIIIIIND GAAAAAAAMES!"

Two raised platforms with small booths in the stadium seats housed three objects total - Puffball and 8-Ball together in one, sharing a microphone, and Saw in the other, without a mic. "I'm Puffball!" Puffball continued enthusiastically into her mic. "And these are my co-commentators, 8-Ball and Saw. Together, we'll be commentating during this wonderful event!"

"I can't wait to get this started," 8-Ball said, sounding as monotone as ever but with a smile on his face. "Puffball and I put a lot of work into this event, as well as several others. To all the familiar and unfamiliar faces in the crowd, I hope you all enjoy. Saw, would you care to recap what's actually going to happen here?"

"Of course!" Saw yelled. Despite not having a microphone, her voice was just as loud as the others, due to her power. "Recently, some of the objects who compete in BFB have received cool new powers. EEIGHT-Ball and Puffy-"

"Don't call me Puffy!"

"-along with a few others, identified seven contestants with 'mind-over-matter' powers. Those seven have agreed to duel it out in this awesome arena here for fame and glory! I'm a little jealous, actually."

"The competitors should be here in a few minutes," 8-Ball finished. "We're just waiting for the last of the invitees to enter their seats."

Down in the seats, Stapy hopped over to Pillow and claimed the empty seat next to her. "Finally! A familiar face. I was getting lost in the sea of recommended characters. Some of these guys are really weird, too!"

"We're all weird in our own ways."

Stapy heard a crunch and glanced over at her. She was holding a small bag. "What are you eating?"

"Peanuts. I got them from some object selling snacks. I'd offer you some, but I already know you'd decline."

"Your seer abilities are-"

"Creepy, I know."

"Actually, wait. Why are you here? Don't you already know what the outcome is?"

Pillow swallowed and popped another peanut into her mouth. "Possibly. But there's lots of chaos in the future, due to the fight; that makes my vision a little fuzzy. Anything can happen, after all." She raised another peanut to her eye, then tossed it away. "Eh. That one's rotten."

"How do you-"

"I saw myself spitting it out a few seconds ahead."

Stapy gave her a weird look.

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