Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV:-

I smiled as I stepped out of my flat in London. I'm on a much needed vacation and London is just beautiful. I had been living here since I was a little kid but then I had to move to America. It's good to spend some days here. I decided to go for a ride so I took my bike and started riding around.

I drive around the beautiful surroundings, suddenly seeing a dental office that seemed somehow familiar. I stared at it for a while, then kept on riding. 

I winced while eating dinner that night, my tooth has been troubling me for some reason but I think it'll get better, it always does. I can handle some pain. 

The next day, I wanted to check out that dental office so I went in. Inside, it was bigger than it looked from outside. My eyes caught the tall figure in scrubs, curly haired and smiley, as he played with a little boy in the play area for kids. He was also talking to a man, whom I assume is a patient because he was holding an ice pack to his right cheek.

When the man turned, I gasped. It was my old school crush and friend since kindergarten!

Harry Styles.

"Sophie?", Harry's surprised face split into a grin, as he also recognized me.

"Harry, hi.", I said as he walked up to me. "Oh my god, it's you!", he exclaimed and you laughed. 

"H-How are you here? Did you move back to London?"

"No, I'm on vacation. I felt like I knew this place so I came to check it out."

He smiled. "It was my dad's remember? Now it's all renewed but it was. I work as pediatric dentist and orthodontist here now."

"Oh." I nod and he hugged me. "Nice to see you."

"You too Harry."

"One second love, I was just saying bye to this patient-"

"Oh of course! I'm sorry for interrupting."

He waved it off and jogged back to the man and kid. I watched as he gave the boy a hug, man a pat on the shoulder and led them to the door. 

"Would you like to come in? We can talk if you're free..that was my last patient for the day.", he said smiling as he pointed to a room down the hall.


I followed him and we went inside his office. It had a dental chair, all the tools, his desk and chair, everything. The interior was pretty and it was the nicest dentist's place I've seen.

Harry offered me a seat across from him as he sat in his chair behind the desk and we started talking like the old friends we were.

We didn't even know time passing, we just had a great time.

"I gotta go now Harry, have some work.", I said getting up after checking the time, a good two hours gone by.

"Oh, okay. Are you free tomorrow same time?", Harry asked getting up too, leading me to the door.


"Then please do visit! I missed you Sophie."

"I missed you too Harry, good catching up with you. See you tomorrow then."

He smiled as I pulled away from the hug. "See you love."

I went back my place, taking an ibuprofen for my mouth pain like I have been doing and getting into bed. I really liked spending time with Harry. I can't wait to see him again. 

The next day, Harry and I caught up at the same time, chatting away for hours. 

"Is your mouth bothering you?", he then asked as I retracted my hand from my cheek.

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