Request for pinklion28

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Ginerva's POV:-

Long days. Longer nights. And being pregnant in my last trimester, I needed as much rest as I could get. 

Looking over at my side, there he was in his sleeping glory. Hair messily spread on to the pillow, back rising and falling with every breath, and soft snores escaping his parted lips. Recently, Liam had been lacking sleep as much as I had. After he came back from the hospital, he'd lay next to me in bed, trying to pry his eyes open just so he could have a little time longer with me before dawn came and he had to start his day. His lips would find their way down my full belly and he'd nuzzle his head softly on the curve, talking to the bump, as if his baby girl would answer him back. Instead, she'd give us a few jolts in the ribs and he'd laugh, amused at his daughter's movements.

I looked over at the clock and sighed; I hadn't been able to sleep that night. My back just seemed quite sore. My fingertips rubbed small circles on my bump, hoping it would soothe the overly active baby inside me. I closed my eyes and no more than 5 minutes later, his alarm went off. Groan after groan, I watched him clumsily reach for his phone and turn off the damned thing. A sigh escaped his lips and he turned on to his back, his large hand tried to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning, handsome." I grinned, admiring the way his muscles reacted to his movements, the ink on his body standing out more due to his exposure to the sun lately. He turned his head to me; a smile slowly crept on to his lips.

"Good morning, darling." His voice responded. I turned on my side and tried to get as close to him as possible, my belly intrusive. His arm snaked around my waist and a child-like grin appeared on his face. My fingers made their way into his hair as they always did and his eyes closed.

"How're you feeling, my love?" His voice barely coming out as a whisper.

"I've had better days. Your daughter has been extremely energetic these past few nights." I let out a breathy laugh. He opened one eye and smiled; he loved hearing anything and everything about his baby girl.

"Yeah? Guess she can't wait to come out and see daddy." He leaned in to my belly and peppered it with quick kisses. "Isn't that right, princess?"

Liam is an Obstreican-Gynecologist, so he could not be happier when we got to know I'm pregnant. 

I flinch as I feel a cramp like pain on my back. "What's wrong?", Liam's eyes shoot up to my face. 

"Nothing.", I shake my head and smile, feeling it go away. "Back's just been sore."

"Aww, I'm sorry baby. How bout I go start breakfast for us and then give you a massage?"

"Sounds good.", I hum as he kisses my cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you too. What do you wanna eat?"


He chuckles and kisses my nose. "Coming right up!"

He helps me sit up before going into the kitchen and I go to the bathroom. I watched Liam making breakfast, and then we ate it together. He was getting ready for work and I was watering the plants when I felt another cramp, this time stronger, and it was in my lower belly.

"L-Liam!", I gasp.

"You okay Ginny!?", Liam runs to me, his shirt open cause he was just in the middle of buttoning them.

"I think I'm having contractions.", I whisper. 

His eyes widen as he grabs my hand to help me sit down on the couch. "A-Are you sure? Now? Oh Jesus.", he freaks out.

He looked so cute I had to smile. "Baby, it's okay, we're gonna be fine."

He nods and crouches down by my feet, hands on my belly. "How did it feel babe? To make sure it's not Braxton Hicks."

"I-I don't think it's Braxton Hicks, they felt different."

He took a deep breath and kisses my hand. "We'll time them, and see for a few minutes, then go to the hospital okay?"


Fifteen minutes later, I had another contraction, then another after another fifteen. Liam helped me change, we grabbed our baby bag and we were out the door. I kept whining in pain all the way to the hospital and he held one of my hands, the other on the steering wheel. 

We got a room immediately, cause he's Doctor Payne, and I get changed into a gown. The nurse takes my vitals and hooks me up to an IV, also the other monitors. 

"Baby I'm gonna see how much you're dilated okay?", Liam says as he puts on gloves. I nod and the nurse helps me lift my legs and keep them apart. 

Liam does a quick exam. "You seem about 5 cms honey. You can start pushing when you're 10. Everything looks good.", he smiled and removed his gloves, putting my legs back down. 

I whimper as another contraction rolls through and Liam grabs my hand to let me squeeze as he sits on the edge of the bed and rubs my side. "Breathe sweetie, nice and slow.."

"It hurts.."

"I know darling...I would take it for you if I could.", he sighs and kisses me. "Would you like an epidural?"

"Some of the pain might go away-"


I wanted to deliver naturally.

"Alright, whatever you want baby."

Liam was a great partner. He rubbed my back, he fed me ice chips, he rocked my hips, held me when I was crying and assured me I was doing so good and that this will all be over soon.

Finally, it was time to push.

"That was so good sweetheart, I can almost see her head!", Liam tells me, as he rubs my sore thighs. "You're doing amazing. Look at me."

I sniffle as I look at him. He smiled. "Deep breaths with me, my love."

I breathe with him, the nurses dabbing my forehead with a cold cloth and giving me water to sip on. 

I cry out when I feel a painful contraction. GOD I HATE THIS!

"Take a deep breath and push sweet girl, you got this! Yes....yes..great job baby, one more and the head will be out..that's it, that's it darling, relax now...breathe.."

He reaches for my hand and kisses it. "You're such a champ."

"I hate you.", I grumble in reply and he laughs. "I love you too."

Everyone in the room were cheering me on. I start pushing again when the worst ever contractions hit and scream. 

"I-I can't do this!", I cry as I fall back on the pillows. "Liam."

"I'm here love.", Liam coos, gripping my fingers. "You can do it, you're killing it. Just another good push and our baby girl will be here. You can hold her. She's gonna come into the world, our little ball of sunshine."

I smile despite the pain as I look into his warm brown eyes. "Everything's okay darling. I promise, I've got you. I love you so much Ginny. You're so strong. I'm so proud of you."

I  would've said an I love you back but my head leans forward and knees tuck to my chest again as I push with whatever strength I have left.

I fall back exhausted and feel something swish out of me. 

And then I hear cries. Newborn cries. 

Soon the nurses were pulling back my gown, and Liam was laying her on my bare chest. My little baby girl.

"O-Oh, hi baby, hi.", I choke out, placing a little kiss on her tiny head with little strands of brown hair. I hold her close and cry happy tears. 

Liam was also crying as he leaned over us. "S-She's so perfect.", he whispered. "You're so perfect.", he adds, kissing my forehead. "You did so good Ginny. I l-love you so much, thank y-you.", he sobbed.

"C-Couldn't have done it alone.", I smile and kiss him. "I love you. And, I love you, baby girl."

Liam kisses her head. "Daddy loves you.", he whispers and takes her tiny hand, her little fingers immediately grabbing his, making me smile. He's never going to let go of her. 

And that's the story of how my husband delivered our baby girl! 

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