Request for anonymous

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Y/N's POV:-

You wipe a bead of sweat from your forehead as you move your head away from the toilet for a second, when you could breathe. You've been very ill for a couple days, and it just gets worse every day. You thought it would go away in two-three days but you thought wrong. You're running a high fever, throwing up, have stomach pain, the chills, everything.

After cleaning up, you get up on shaky legs and go back to your bed. You feel so weak, you cry into the pillow for some time. 

Your boyfriend who is three years older than you, is a Family Doctor. So of course you couldn't hide your sickness, is was impossible. He tried to drag you to the hospital, but you denied, and here you are now, feeling miserable than you ever have. 

Harry was having a particularly long day today, but he called every now and then to check on you.


Ah, there he is.

You hear him close the door and the sound of his footsteps as he gets closer. "Baby?"

You sniffle and mumble a, "Hi." from under the blankets.

"Oh dear.", Harry sighs, and rushes to you. "Y/N I told you to call me if you're feeling worse, why didn't you call?" He tugs on the blanket covering part of your face and you whine. "Let me see you face pretty girl."

"I'm not pretty."

"How dare you say that? Never again!", he scolds, making you smile a bit and you move the blanket. "Ah there she is!", he smiles.  "Poor baby, you don't look good at all.", he pouts, and lays the back of his hand on your forehead, making you try to slap it away but he narrowed his eyes at you and brings your hand back down. 

"You're just boiling at this point.", he mutters, and opens the drawers, fumbling for something.

"Harry. I'm fine, tell me about your day."
"You're not fine. I don't understand why you didn't call me."

"You have a job that has enough problems! Why would I add to it? I-I'll be o-okay.", you cough by the end. 

"You're my girlfriend, not a problem! You're seriously sick Y/N, wouldn't that concern me?" He turns back around with a thermometer. You don't open your mouth when he brings it to your lips. 

"You took my temperature in the morning."

"It won't be the same now babe, please let me do this at least. Open your mouth and lift up your tongue."

You sigh and do as told, he keeps it under your tongue and you close your mouth. He continues to look at you very concernedly. "Are you feeling dizzy?"

You nod yes. "Did you take the medicines, eat and drink lots of water?"

You nod again. The thermometer beeps and he takes it out. "Jesus. 103.4. This is really bad."

"I threw up everything I ate and drank, can't keep anything down.", you mumble closing your eyes and curling up. 

You feel his weight as he climbs on the bed, and lean to his touch as he combs through your hair gently. "I'm sorry you're feeling so sick."

"Me too."

He kisses your nose gently. You roll over into his arms and hug him. He rubs your back comfortingly. "It's okay, you'll feel better soon my love."

"Did you have a nice day?", you croak, looking at him through your eyelashes. He smiles and pecks your forehead. "I did, sweetheart. Do you wanna go for a drive? Get some fresh air, feel better?"

"Mm...kay. But I don't have the energy to get ready."

"That's fine."

He smiles and picks you up. "Let me fix my hair at least!", you laugh weakly.

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