Request for bwthib

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Y/N's POV-

"Y/N what are you doing!?", your boyfriend, Harry screams behind you and you almost lose your balance. "Harry! You scared me!"

You were standing on a step stool to get the new packet of sugar to refill, since you ran out.

"You scared me!", he corrects, grabbing your hips and placing you down. "Honey you're pregnant! What if you fall of that and get hurt? You could've asked me to get it for ya!"

"Babe it's nothing, I was being very careful-"

"-Nope, don't wanna hear it. I'll get for you, here." Harry gets the sugar packet. "Please don't give me heart attacks like that again."

You laugh and hug him. "You're so cute."

Since you've been pregnant, Harry has become so over protective of you. You still remember the day when your test came back positive, and you and Harry were so delighted. The thought of welcoming a new member to your family made you so happy.

He huffs and kisses your cheek. "You are. Now why don't you go sit and I'll make us breakfast?"

"Fine.", you sigh, knowing there's no fighting with him on this.

You both have a good breakfast and then he mentions about your appointment today, with your friend and OB GYN Liam. 

"Do we have to go?", you ask, sipping on your tea nervously.

"Of course we do babe, gotta see if you and the bub are okay. I know you're nervous my love, but I'll be right there. You're gonna be fine."

You've always been nervous about the hospital. The needles, doctors, the whole deal. But Harry's been such a sweetheart by your side throughout the pregnancy.

So you get dressed and head towards the hospital.

"Y/N! Harry!", Liam, one of your best friends and gynecologist greets you as you're sent to his room.

"Hey mate.", Harry smiles and bro hugs him, Liam hugs you next. "Hey mama, how you doing this morning?"

"Good, good.", you smile and ruffle his hair. You guys get caught up in your talking, and forget why you're here, but Liam finally checks the time and apologizes. 

"Let's see how you and your bubba's doing shall we?" Liam asks, putting the buds of his stethocope in his ears. You smile and nod, reaching for Harry's hand for comfort. Harry kisses your hand and holds it. 

"Deep breath in hun.", Liam says, placing the bell on your chest. You take a few deep breaths as he listens to your heart and lungs. "Sounds good. Look right ahead for me.", he shines the pen light in your eyes and gently pulls down your lower eye lid checking for a pale inside which would point to anemia. "How have you been feeling? Getting tired quick? Morning sickness?", he asks, keeping the light back in his pocket. He reaches for the otoscope and checks your ears as you talk.

"I've been feeling good. Sometimes yeah, noon naps have been common now. I don't get so sick these days, Harry can kiss me with his morning breath and I don't puke on his face."

Liam chuckles, keeping the otoscope back. "Good for Harry."

"Oh yeah.", Harry nods agreeing. 

"Lay back for me Y/N, lift your shirt please.", Liam says, placing a pillow on the exam bed before patting it and you lay down. "Gonna feel your belly, and have a listen, see how bub's doing.", he lets you know, warming his hands before touching your belly.

"Yep, I know you're in there little guy, your favorite uncle here.", Liam says as he feels your belly gently. He listens with his stethocope as well, and says everything is good. 

"Now you have a small blood test, just to make sure everything's okay, it's just procedure. I would have a nurse do it but knowing how you are, you'll scare them so I'll do it.", Liam teases, reaching for a bag of gloves.

"A b-blood test? I don't want it.", you look at Harry nervously.

"It's okay baby, it'll be quick, I'm right here.", he assures, cupping his cheek. "Just to make sure you're healthy right sweetheart?"

You sigh and nod. He kisses your cheek. "It won't hurt Y/N, I'll be very gentle, I promise.", Liam squeezes your knee.

"Okay. But quick."

"Yes ma'am. Hey, something to look forward to is after this, I'm gonna do an ultrasound and I think today's the day, baby seems to be in a comfortable position, where we can see them completely. I told you organs are forming right, you should be able to see a clearer picture than a blob of mass today."

Harry squeals in excitement making Liam laugh. "T-That's great.", you say. 

"Right? So just close your eyes and sit tight, I'll do this quick.", Liam takes your arm and ties a tourniquet. Harry starts stroking your hair and you bury your face in his neck not wanting to see. 

"Squeeze Harry's hand tight, and it'll be over before you know it okay?", Liam says softly, as he gets the needle in. You squeeze Harry's hand tightly, and feel a bit of a sting but nothing you can't handle. 

"You're doing so good baby, almost done.", Harry soothes, kissing your temple. 

"Great job Y/N, all done.", Liam caps the blood and places on the tray. You sigh in relief and he presses a cotton to your arm, then a bandaid. "Put pressure on that Haz, I'll give this to the lab and be right back.", Liam says, and Harry nods. He also gets you an orange juice. "Drink up.", Liam ruffles your hair and goes out.

"What a brave girl.", Harry praises.

"I almost broke your hand."

"And I'll let you break it again, my love."

"I will when I'm in labor."

Harry pales a little panicking and you giggle and kiss his cheek. "I love you curly."

"I love you too."

Liam comes back and asks you if you're feeling woozy, which you're not so you move on to the ultrasound. "It's gonna be cold like usual.", Liam warns before squeezing the gel on your belly and you tingle at the cold. Liam pulls up a chair and sits down, looking at the monitor as he moves the wand on your belly.

"There.", he grins, as you see your baby on the screen. Now you could make out arms and legs, which made tears well up in yours and Harry's eyes. "So cute.", Harry coos, sniffling. "I can't wait to meet him or her."

"See how comfortable baby is, just chilling in there.", Liam chuckles. He smiles at you and wipes your eyes with his free hand. "Happy?"

You nod, squeezing his hand. "Thanks for everything Liam."

"Of course love. I'm more excited than you guys for your baby, believe me."

"Oh I believe you, considering the baby clothes you showed up with last week.", Harry nods chuckling. You laugh as Liam shrugs and you three continue looking at your baby and talking to him or her. 

"I love you Y/N.", Harry whispers, pressing his lips to yours.

"I love you Harry.", you whisper back. You know Harry will be the best father ever. He's been dreaming of being one since forever. One thing you know for sure, is that they will be so loved when they're here. 

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