Request for anonymous

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Y/N's POV:-

"That was when we had the pool party for your third birthday!", dad said cooing at your baby photos. You both were looking at photos when you were little from your photo album.

You smile at the photo where your dad's holding you in the water and kissing your cheek, both of you grinning widely.

"That was definitely one of my best birthdays ever.", you say and he nods agreeing. In the next page, it was a photo of you and your dad snuggling, you were tight and snug in his arms, your nose a bit red and you were leaning on him. His deep blue eyes looked at yours, and held you close like he would protect you from everything.

"Do you remember when that was taken?", I ask him.

"Oh yeah! I wouldn't forget. You were sick, love, and we had a little talk."

Dad recollects it for me and we go down memory lane.


"Aww is my little baby icky?", your dad coos as he picks you up, you were sneezing and coughing. 

"Daddy I don't feel good..", you whimper, hiding into his neck. 

"I know sweetheart, why don't daddy take a look yeah? Let's shoo those germs away, how dare they attack my daughter!"

You giggled as your dad continued to tell you how he would defeat the bacteria and germs. You know your dad is a doctor, he saves lives and helps people feel better.

He takes you to his room and sits you down on the bed. He took out a bag and pulled out what you learnt is a stethoscope. Your dad let you listen to his heart once!

"Are you going to listen to my heart daddy?", you ask.

"Yes my love, your heart and lungs!", he said, placing you on his lap. "Would that be alright?"

"Yeah! Can I listen to yours after you listen to mine?"

"Sure you can!"

You smile. Your dad smiled back and kissed your cheek, rubbing the bell of the stethoscope before placing it on your chest. "How do we take a big deep breath?"

You show him, and he smiles. "Good job! Can you take a few more like that for me baby?"

While your dad listened to your heart and lungs, you noticed that he wasn't wearing his ring. His wedding ring.



"Why aren't you wearing your ring? Did you lose it?"

You saw an expression on your dad's face like he wanted to explain to you, but he didn't know what to say. Then he smiled like he does all the time, and took the stethoscope off, putting his arms back around you. You put yours around his neck.

"I didn't lose it baby, I took it off.", he explained.

"Why? Are you going to get a new one?"

He chuckled and shook his head, stroking your hair back from your forehead. "No, love. At least not now. Daddy took it off because mommy and I are not together anymore."

"But why?", you ask. You noticed your mom wasn't around a lot, but your dad was making up for it so you didn't question.

"Because, mommy loves another man. She would be happier with him, and there's something called as trust. Which is big, in any relationship. Mommy lied to me often, and when I found out, I was a bit hurt. I would understand if she told me that she loved someone else but, she broke the trust that I had on her."

You nod and hug him tighter. "I will never hurt you daddy."

He sighed and kissed your head, holding you close to him. "I love you so much, baby girl. I only need you, my precious little girl."

Back from memory:-

"Those few words that you told me made me feel so much better, babe. I really started moving on only after that.", dad admits.

"Little me knew what to say.", I shrug and hug him. "You're really strong dad, I've always wanted to be like you."

"Thank you love, I can only be strong because I have you with me." I run a hand through his tousled brown hair, and stroke the crinkles beside his blue eyes. 

"I love you so much daddy."

 "I love you more than anything in this world Y/N. You're still my baby, however old you grow."

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