Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV(28):-

"Mary, please shut down the clinic yeah?", I say walking out of my room. "Okay, bye Sophie.", Mary, my receptionist smiled and said. I own a dental clinic, I'm a dentist.

I'm done early today because I have an appointment at the gynecologist. I'm always really nervous but my gyno is very sweet and caring, making me comforted at all times. I also have a crush on him since a really long time.

I drove to his clinic, checked in at the reception and waited. Soon a nurse led me to an exam room and gave me a gown to change into. 

I changed into that and sat on the examination seat, the paper crinkling as I sat down. I went on my phone and waited. Then I heard knocks on the door before the handsome doctor walked in. He was wearing light pink scrubs today and his white doctor coat over that. His name tag read Doctor. Harry Styles.

"Sophie! Nice to see you!", Harry said coming to hug me. I smiled and felt my heart fluttering as he hugged me. 

"Hi Harry, nice to see you too."

We pulled away and he smiled his charming smile. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm very well, thank you. Met any interesting patients today?"

I told him about my day while he looked at a clipboard on his head. Some hair kept falling onto his face and he blew it away. I felt myself staring at him. 

"Time for the questions, yeah I know you don't like it, but it's part of my job.", he said chuckling at the face I made. "Okay so when was your last period?"

"Um two weeks ago."

He nodded writing it down. "Have you noticed anything different in your periods? Do they come regularly?"

"No and yes."

"Okay. Last sexual intercourse?"

"Um...a month."

I thought I saw him smirk slightly as he wrote it down. "And um any irritation down there or any concerns you wanna tell me?"

I shook my head blushing like crazy. He smiled and nodded, keeping his clipboard away. 

"Well let's get started then." He washed his hands and came back to me. "Scoot all the way down.", he said and I sat on the edge, he lifted the foot holders and kept my feet on it. 

"I'm lifting you up love so don't jump off okay?", he said chuckling as he pressed a pedestal to raise the seat.

"Okay.", I smiled softly. He put on gloves and sat in front of me on his rolling his chair. "Lean back for me and get comfortable." He turned to take something and I laid down. 

"I'm going to use the speculum first and take a look at everything okay? You'll feel a little pressure and it maybe cold.", he said putting lube on the speculum. 


"Ready? Here it goes. Relax..good job.", he cooed and I felt something entering me. 

"That's freaking cold."

He laughed. "Sorry love. Doing okay?"


"Great. Your cervix looks good, no abnormalities..", he said and I tried hard not to focus on the thought that a hot doctor is looking at my vagina.

"Now I'm gonna insert two fingers love.", he let me know before taking the tool out and waiting for my nod. I nodded and he went ahead. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning. Come on Sophie, keep it together. 

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