Chronic illness surgery- Request for anonymous

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Ashleigh's POV:-

Right now I feel concerned, anxious, scared, nervous and stressed. Why you ask? Because I'm getting surgery in a few hours. I have lived my entire life with chronic illness, and by now I should have adjusted to surgery becoming a part of my life. But I can't help but feel a little nervous before each one. Today I'm getting a bone in my leg removed, which was not supposed to grow there at all. 

I know, I have a weird body. I have learnt to embrace it though.

I checked in, and now I'm waiting in the lobby for someone to call me. I was looking at the floor, bouncing my knee. 

Just then I heard a familiar British accent coated voice saying, "Ashleigh?"

I look up and meet with Zayn's brown eyes. I've known Zayn for a long time, he's always my nurse. 

"Hi.", I mumble back and he smiled, leaning down to give me a hug. "Hello, have you grown since last time?", he joked. I scoffed. "You saw me three days ago."

He chuckled and pulled away, offering me his hand. "Come on, let's go see the other boys."

I take his hand and he helps me get up, pain irrupting through my leg most of the time, but I'm used to it. 

"Look who it is!", Louis, another nurse said as Zayn opened the door to the cabin that had the name, Dr. Harry Styles.

"Hi Ashleigh!", Liam waved, who's an assisting doctor. 

"Ash!", Niall exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. Dr. Horan, who lets me call him by his first name and Harry are my main doctors/surgeons. I'm pretty close to these boys, since they've known me for a long time. Louis and Zayn were wearing light blue scrubs, Niall, Harry and Liam dark blue ones.

"How are you feeling this morning?", Niall asked. 


"Eh?", Harry laughed, taking me from Niall. "We can't have our favorite girl feeling eh."

I crack a smile as I hug him. "What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?"

"Noooo.. Harry.", the four of them groaned.

Harry nudged me nodding. "What?", I ask like he wanted me too.


Louis rolled his eyes. "You call that a joke?"

"It's making Ash laugh okay? That's enough for me.", Harry said and I actually was giggling. It's the face he makes while telling the jokes.

"Now tell us how you really feel.", Liam said as Harry helped me onto the exam table. 

"Pain level?", Niall asks, sitting on a stool in front of me. 


"That's pretty bad.", Harry comments, looking as Niall took my leg being as gentle as possible. I had worn shorts knowing they'll need to pick and prod. 

"At least you won't be in pain when you leave this hospital.", Zayn said, who was reading some files along with Liam. Louis was typing on a computer. 

"I'll have to come back soon won't I?", I sigh. Niall gave me a sympathetic look. 

"Hey, it'll get better some day love.", Harry consoled, rubbing my shoulder. "On the bright side, you get to see us!", Louis said smiling and I smiled back. That's a plus, I'm glad I have these guys instead of some serious only work minded doctors.

"Okay, so it seems to have grown about two centimetres more from what I can tell.", Niall said who had his hands moving and pressing gently against the part below my knee. 

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