Request for aj_stiles

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Chelsey's (12) POV:-

"Louis and Liam in the lead! Niall, Haz and Chels are losing!", Zayn yelled, putting another point on the board for Louis' and Liam's team as we played football. 

"Harry pass it to me!" I watched Niall yell as Harry successfully tackled the ball from Liam, running to the goal. 

"Come on Haz!", I shout. 

Harry kicked it, and ended up falling on his stomach. 

Zayn, Liam and Louis burst out laughing, Niall groaned and I was confused whether to laugh or be mad. 

"Why do I have such a useless team!?", Niall said, watching Louis kick another goal.

"I'm not useless!", I say.

"Yeah you are. Get up Harry! Stop wiggling around like a worm!"

I laughed and went to help my brother up. They're all my brothers, but Harry's the youngest one. Zayn the referee, put another point for LiLo.

Harry took my hand, and instead of pulling himself up, he pulled me down.

"Harry!", I giggle as he tickled me. 

He laughed and soon the rest of them took a break to come torture me.

"Guys s-stop!"

"Alright let her breathe.", Zayn smiled, rubbing my shoulder. "Play for another five minutes and then we'll go get food?", Niall asked. "I'm hungry."

"Me too.", I say.

"Yes hungry kiddos.", Louis ruffled my hair. "But we will finish the game, you guys are losing and want to avoid it.", Liam chimed in.

So we got up again. "You alright princess? Want some water?", Niall asked me, watching me cough a little. "I-I'm good."

He nodded and high fived me as he went to take his position. "For god's sake Harry, pay attention and stop falling please!"

Harry mocked Niall making me giggle.

I tackled the ball from Liam, going to pass it to Niall but then I felt my chest tighten. 

It feels like someone or something is sitting on my chest and constricting my lungs so I can only breathe in partway. I can feel like I'm breathing through a squished straw. I wheeze, trying to take in air but my lungs wouldn't allow it.

"Oh no baby!", Liam gasped, grabbing my arms and holding me. He lowered me to the ground, his warm brown eyes worried and soft.

"L-Li, L-Li, I c-can't-", I try to say, holding my chest.

"I know, I know sweetie, it's gonna be okay. Just try to breathe, I know it's hard but try okay?" Liam rubbed my arm, laying me down on his lap.


Harry, Niall and Zayn also crowded around me. "Sweetheart look at me.", Zayn said, turning my face to him. He exaggerated a deep breath. "Breathe with me, Louis went to get your inhaler, till then you gotta breathe baby, you can do it."

I try to match Zayn's breaths, Harry and Niall having each of my hands in theirs, rubbing it and kissing it. "You're doing so good.", Liam stroked my hair. "Hang in there love.", I heard Harry. 

"Here!", Louis came back with the inhaler and passed it to Niall. Niall shook it, Liam lifted my head up, supporting it with his hand underneath it. Niall cupped my chin in his other hand and brought the inhaler to  my lips. "Deep breath when I say 1 okay princess?"

I nod. "3..2.1, deep breath."

"Good girl.", Louis kissed my temple. "Once again, 3..2..1, breath in.", Niall guided me through another puff of the medication. I felt it enter my lungs and clear up. 

I continued wheezing, Louis rubbing my back. "Are you feeling better darling?", he asked.

I nod catching my breath. "We're so sorry, we shouldn't have made you run that much.", Liam said.

"N-No, it happens only sometimes right? Wasn't your fault, thank y-you guys.", I say.

"No problem babe.", Zayn kissed my forehead. "You scared me!"

Zayn always gets scared even if I have a little fall. I smile at him. "I'm fine Zaynie."

He nodded and gave me some water. "Woah where'd you get that from?", I ask seeing Harry put buds in his ears of his stethoscope. 

"Louis brought it.", he winked laying me back down on Liam's lap. "Now deep breath for me."

Harry listened to my chest as I took a deep breath. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 

"Everything okay?", Niall asks.

"Mhm, I hear a rattle but it's clearing up.", Harry said nodding. "You'll be fine Chels, just a little attack."

I smiled softly as he kept the stethoscope away. Did I mention they're all different doctors?

"Now I prescribe you rest for the rest of the day."


"Yes.", Louis said, picking me up. "You're gonna rest or take a nap or something."

"But we were spending the day together and I had to ruin it!"

"You didn't ruin anything love, we just want you to be okay. We still have all day today, we can have a movie marathon right boys?"

"Yes!", they agreed.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around Louis' neck, kissing his cheek. "I love you guys."

"We love you more Chelsey!"



Thanks for requesting, hope that was okay! Happy New Years to everyone! 

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