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"Huh? What do you mean?" 

Jungkook raised his brows in surprise. This was shocking for both of them. No matter who Taehyung would forget, he would never forget Hoseok. No spell would affect the deep love that he had for Hoseok.

" That was expected. Neverending amnesia was used on him..."

Yoongi knew how Hoseok adored Taehyung deep down from his heart. He knew the spell and how to break it but it was quite dangerous for both of them. He decided to keep this to himself for now.

"Jungkook come let's make something for Hoseok." 

Just from his words, Jungkook understood that Yoongi wanted to talk with him privately. He nodded and signalled the kitchen with his head. They both headed towards the counter, Yoongi took out a cup from the shelf.

" I know how to break the spell."

Jungkook dropped down the ice cubes in his hand. He glared at Yoongi who didn't even bother to look at him.

" WHAT? Come on man, you could've told this a week ago when Taehyung fell to deep sleep. Are you doing this to break them up or some-"

"I didn't say anything for Hoseok."

"What do you mean?"

"The spell is based on dark mana and it's hard to cast. So unwinding it is, as hard as casting it. The user has to sacrifice something to cast the spell."

"Wait - So you're saying we have to give sacrifice to break the spell?"

"Yes, if we don't do it in time Taehyung won't live for too long. In other scenarios I wouldn't care but... after seeing Hoseok like that I couldn't keep it."

"Shit- Who are we gonna sacrifice? Should I find someone?"

Yoongi went silent. By the time Jungkook was listening, Yoongi already finished Hoseok's drink. He put down the cup in his hand, and finally looked right into Jungkooks eyes.

"It can't be just anyone. It has to be Hoseok."

Jungkook's eyes widened he stood there in shock. He suddenly remembered that he also heard this when he was a child. But at those times his father told him this as an old legend. The story went like this;

'Once upon a time a prince lived in a very famous kingdom. He was loved by his people so much that every guard that served him would be ready to die in his service. But the prince was so mysterious that no one ever knew what he wanted.

One day the prince went to the forest for hunting. Just there he saw a fairy sitting in the willow bed. The fairy offered him a beautiful rose and smiled at him. Then right there prince fell for the fairy

His love had hair like fire, eyes were two brown orbs shining so brightly in the sunlight. The prince would come to visit the forest and admire the pretty roses in the fairy's garden.

But one day when the neighbour kingdoms learned about this beautiful fairy, they attacked the forest, turning the beautiful garden of the fairy into a grave of roses. While fighting for his home, they captured the fairy and cast a strong spell to make the fairy forget the all-mighty prince.

When the prince heard about this he fought for 7 days and nights fighting with the kingdoms looking for his love. When he finally reached his destination, it was already late. The fairy was already withering away...

The prince couldn't take his love dying in front of his eyes. So he used a now profited method of ying-yang cultivation to save the fairy. Just like this, the prince sacrificed himself for the only love of his life.'


Hoseok walked down the hall with Yoongi and Jungkook, unusually quiet. This bothered both of them so much. Hoseok didn't cry anymore nor did he look relaxed, rather he looked cold.

Yoongi slowly passed to Jungkook's side grabbed his collar and brought his ear closer to his mouth. Jungkook crouched down from the sudden movement, he almost fell.

"What happened to him? Did you say anything?" 

"Huh? No, I don't know either!"

"Shut up He'll hear!"

Hoseok suddenly stopped making both of them flinch. Without even turning around he stood there for a while. None of them dared to ask anything.

" I'll be taking a rest."

Hoseok took a glance at hem slightly. Both of them nodded in unison as Hoseok slowly made his way towards his room. He turned to the left from the corridor but instead of entering his room, he passed right beside it.

"I'll save Taehyung..."

To be continued


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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