⚫◾❄ Light Snow ❄ ◾⚫

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               Third-person POV

Mr.Kim was sitting on his desk and suddenly the phone rang. He picked up the phone and his facial expression changed.

"They are looking for Kim Taehyung..."

Me. Kim went back to his desk and threw himself to the chair. His nightmare was coming true. All his enemies we're behind Taehyung.

In the Port Mafia house

It was a beautiful spring day. All the flowers in the huge garden were blooming. It was beautiful scenery.

As usual, Jin was cleaning the house. Even though a week past from angels accident the cleaning was still going.

"Why do we have to just kill each other..," Jin mumbled to himself. He really hated the idea of someone dying.

Jin was a caretaker in the house. He looked after every son of Mr. Kim even though he was only meant to be Namjoon's servant.

As it was mentioned before, his ability was not meant to be fighting. And also if he used it to the limit that would be the end of him.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was out doing something. He was the unknown one in the house. He would go out in the daytime and come back in the middle of the night. Nobody would know where he was or what he was doing.

Hoseok was in the garden watering the flowers. It was his favorite thing to do when Taehyung was doing work.

"Excuse me do you know where Taehyung is?" Hoseok heard a sound and turned to the source.

Two boys probably the same age as Hoseok was standing there. One of them was very tall the other had a normal height.

"Umm, are you his friend?" Hoseok asked. He never saw them before and Taehyung was not the type to get friends easily.

"Oh yes, we are really close friends." the one with the normal height laughed. Tall one didn't say anything, he was very quiet.

"Hoseok don't believe them! Run!" Jin ran up to the house door. He saw them talking from the window and immediately recognized their faces. They were from 'Angels.'

"Oh no, you ruined my plan!!! You're so rude!" the boy huffed and crossed his arms. Hoseok stood there confused. ,

"He is.. in the house." The tall boy whispered. He had this demonic whisper that sent chills to Hoseok.

"Ohhh alright then. You, " he faced Hoseok ", did you know that Taehyung was a killer? And killers must go to jail." he raised his arms.

" Unbreakable Jail"

As he said this white pillars surrounded the house. Pillars were going out from the ground and they were big. From the pressure, the house was shaking.

When this was all happening Taehyung was working in his room. Suddenly quake happened and Taehyung stood up confused.

He felt strong energy surrounding the house. It felt like it was pressing the house down suffocating Taehyung. It was hard to move the air was too heavy.

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