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''HE DID WHAT????!!'' She practically scream in the bedroom. I told Jenna everything that happened this past hour.

''Ugh i know.'' I sighed, falling from behind on her bed, before grabbing a pillow and put my face in it. I wanted to scream all my anger but I couldn't.

''That son of a bitch lo vedrà quando lo strangolerò con le unghie e gli taglierò il cazzo di 2 pollici per mangiarlo crudo, poi gli caverò gli occhi e-'' I cut her off and laughed. It felt good to see how much she cared about me. She was insulting him, even when she didn't know him at all.

[he'll see when i strangle him with my fingernails and chop off his 2 inches cock and force him to eat it raw, then gouge his eyes out and-|italian]

''What? That bastard deserve it for calling my best friend a whore.'' She crossed her arms and sank into her chair while she whispers something in italian.

I love her so much. She always had my back. I'm sure that she could absolutely did it. For her, friends are family, and we need to take care of our family.

Jenna is an immigrant from italy, after her parent's divorce, she moved with her mom in America like 5 years ago, and we met here 3 years ago, she also taught me italian. It wasn't easy but I learned it because I helped her learn English. Her childhood wasn't the best but wasn't the worse either.

Her mom is always pressuring her, she want her to become a doctor or a lawyer so she could brag it to her friends. Jenna said that one time, she was seven. She asked her mom if she could go to the park but she immediately said no and forced her to learn a new language.

But her dad was the total opposite, he didn't care about what Jenna wanted to do. He loved her the way she was. I wish my dad would have been like that.

I look over at Jenna and she was smiling at me. She has clearly an idea in mind.

''We're going out tonight'' She suddenly broke the silence. She stand up and put her glasses on her face. Should a go out? I've never got out before but I feel like it tonight, I want to feel good. Yeah screw Mateo and his shit, I won't let him ruin the rest of my day.

''Fuck it im in'' I've never been to a party before but I really need to change air. Plus, I really need to take off the stick I have in my ass. She pick up two dresses from her wardrobe. Two beautiful but extremely short dresses. One was black and the other was red. Jenna handed me the red one and got in the bathroom.

I removed my clothes and put the dress on. I removed my bra because we can see the straps of it.

Jenna got out of the bathroom and her mouth dropped open. "Oh my god, Im literally going to turn gay. You're so fucking hot." She was looking at me up and down before shaking her head.

"Let's get married, I'm hot, you're hot, we'll be the perfect couple." She suggested. She paused. "Nevermind, boys are better." I rolled my eyes again. The black dress was beautiful on her.
I walked in the bathroom to put on some makeup.

I looked at me trough the mirror and I wanted to fuck myself. I was so pretty. The silk was dancing on my body, and the red, it looked sexy as hell. One thing I didn't like was the length of it. It was extremely short, more short than Jenna's, and it's nearly impossible to beat it. It ended one or two inches under my ass.

I put on an all face makeup, covering my face with makeup. I put the brand new perfume Jenna had brought from Italy and moaned at the sent.

"Jen, that thing smell amazing, how much did you pay for it?" I exclaimed.

She laughs " look underneath it" I did so and gasped as I saw the price. Over fourth thousand!

Jenna's family is one of the richest in Italy, but I'm still shocked how much money they have. I could never afford it, except if my brother become a billionaire or something. Probably not going to happen.

Twenty minutes later, we're ready to go out.

"We look like fucking Victoria secret models"  Jenna exclaimed. "I agree" Sometimes I wish I was like Jenna. She doesn't care about anyone's opinions, she loves herself and she's beautiful. Silky black obsidian hair who ends at her lower back. Beautiful green eyes and the body of a model. She can socialize with people easily, and I can't even place an order at a restaurant.

I put on some gold earrings and the necklace of my sister. A gold chain a diamond butterfly on it. She was obsessed with butterflies. The back of my dress was open, so everybody could see the black butterflies on the back of my waist.

Turning around to take my purse, I felt a sharp slap on my ass. I jumped of surprise and turn around, where Jenna was smirking. "You have a nice ass" She says. She winked at me before taking her purse and her keys cars.

The dress she was wearing was absolutely breathtaking, it was the same as me but in black. It suited her so well. She wore a golden necklace with heart in diamond. She had the same model but in bracelet. Her black hair were in a high ponytail.
She looked so pretty.

"Let's go!" Jenna happily exclaimed,
I rolled her eyes before putting my phone in my purse. The party was in town at one of Jenna's friends house. I don't know how she knew that there was a party tonight but whatever.

I won't lie, i was stressing like crazy, I've never been to a party before.
The front lazy wasn't there so we got out without any problem. We got in Jenna's car before she drove us to the party.

Let's have some fun

Let's have some fun-

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