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Jenna and I were at our favourite coffee shop, our teacher was absent so we decided to skip the class.

We were talking about the new student, he was coming tomorrow and we were excited to see who he was. "One of my teachers said that he is one year younger than us." She said, looking through he phone.

Luciano was with us, but he wasn't paying attention to us at all. He was busy searching what university he could go in. " What do you want to do when you'll be older?" I asked, I was intrigued by who he wanted to be. He glance at me and sighed.

"I don't know, I think I want to be an actor, but I'm not sure. Because there's like 95% that I will fail, or not be popular enough. I want a job that will make me and my family comfortable with money, without it being to harsh or taking all of my time." He explained. Actor? I wasn't thinking about that.

I nod and took a sip of my coffee when he asked me a question." What about you? What do you want to be?" I honestly don't know but i love helping people with their problems and all. "I want to be a psychologist, I want to be able to help other people, help them with their problems, making a bond with them. Because not everyone has a family or friends to talk to. Trust me I know it."

I was about to say more but my phone suddenly rings. I took it out of my pocket before answering.

"Hello?" I asked. I didn't look at the Id and I wasn't expecting anyone to call. Jenna looked at me while I waited for the person to speak. "Hi dear" oh its just my mom. I mouthed 'my mom' to Jen and she rolled her eyes. Okay?

"Hi mom, how are you? Is everything alright? Something happened? Do I need to call the police." Terrible scenarios rushed through my mind. What if she got kidnapped?!

"Honey, Calm down. Nothing happened, do I need a reason to call my beautiful daughter?" She mocked.
I laughed awkwardly. Yeah, she never call me so I was a little bit scared something happened.

"Anyways, I was just calling to check up on you and also, your brother is coming tomorrow, he said that he missed you and wanted to be near you more often. So I decided that from now on, he will be going at your school! Isn't that fabulous." My heart skipped a beat as my jaw dropped.

No, no, no, no, no this can't be happening.

"Oh, I see, I'm excited to see him. Well I got to go mom, I have lots of homework to do. Love you." We hang up and i pinched my arm to see if I was dreaming.

"Is everything alright? You look stressed." Luciano asked, he put his hand on my arm, trying to calm me. Jenna put her phone on the table and looked at me looking worried.

"My brother, he's- he's the new guy." Relief flashes through their eyes while I was slowly starting to have a panic attack. "Oh, i thought it was something important, but it's nice maybe we could be friends with him?" Jenna said, drinking her juice.

Be friends? With my brother?! Absolutely fucking not.

"No, you don't understand, my brother is not nice, or funny. He's mean and cruel. " They looked at me like I was one crazy woman. "Oh, come on, i think you're exaggerating, he couldn't be that bad." Luciano says, rolling his eyes.

"He stole money from a homeless person and poured paint on his face." They looked at me shocked.
"Kids do bad thing but that doesn't mean-" I cut him off with my hand. "That was last month" Me and mom were so mad, we tried to help the man but he ran away, probably scared of us.

"My brother is heartless, he doesn't like anyone but himself, breaking the hearts of everyone. He stole from shops and people, he doesn't regret it at all. He could see someone dying in front of his eyes and he wouldn't do anything." I hissed.

I got up, feeling overwhelmed. "Where are you going?" They asked. "Out. I need to do something."
I left the restaurant without a word. They don't know him like I do, he's literally my brother and they don't know him at all.

All my life, my brother's been a bitch to everyone, especially me. At first, when we were younger. It was small jokes or he was just being annoying like every little brother, but since our sister's death, It got worse and worse.

His funny pranks turned into dangerous ones. One time I was sleeping in my bedroom, at home. When I woke up with millions of bees on my bed.

I'm allergic to bees. I was already feeling guilty for the death of my sister, and he's always throwing mean comments at me. Saying that she died because of me, that if I wasn't born she would still be alive.

I don't know why he always says those things like that, he wasn't even there when she died, but i was.
He heard the version of my dad, that's probably why.

After that, my mom had enough, and she sent him to a mental hospital, after five years, she still doesn't want me to know what he had, what was going through his head in that moment. She told me that if he wanted to talk about it he would have said it to me.

His mean pranks stopped but instead, he became quiet, not talking to anyone but himself. I was quite worried but he was pushing me away, like he forgot how much pain I've been through. Like he wasn't my brother, and that, I think it's worse than his mean pranks. He's not with me anymore, he stopped loving me the day she stopped breathing.


Thoughts about her brother?

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Thoughts about her brother?

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now