21. puzzle piece

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Grab a snack this a long chapter 😌

Grab a snack this a long chapter 😌____________________________________

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Jacobs POV.
📍The Finley Residence

It was 7am and the sun was barely seeping through the windows as it tried to peek over the heavy morning fog. Even after a night of drinking I still managed to wake up early. However, I've always been a morning person.

Naya laid sprawled out beside me , light breaths escaping her pretty lips. Her curls peeked out from under the silk sheets. I'm glad she was here with me. I don't know what it is, but I love her presence.

Slowly sliding off the bed, I head to the bathroom to get ready. I was mainly up early because I made plans to box with Cane. It's been a minute since I went and I know he's feeling some type of way. I finish brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I'll just shower when I get back.

I exit the bathroom in only my boxers. Not without taking a quick glance at Naya to make sure she's asleep. Not that I mind her seeing me like this...

I grab my shorts and throw on a wife beater , then I pack everything I need into my Nike bag. I leave Naya a note letting her know I'll be back in 2hrs and not to take an Uber. She needs to stop taking Ubers.

I quietly go down the stairs in hopes of not waking anybody up. I don't feel like answering dumb questions. Lucky for me, my Audi barely makes any noise when I start it, so I can make a quiet getaway every time.

I arrive at Canes place within 15 minutes. I grab my bag and lock my car before entering through the back, down the steps and into a room that Cane had transformed into a boxing ring/gym. Many of his friends come here to practice and anyone else with the right connections. Sometimes it doesn't feel like I have been going here as long as I have. Everyone here is practically family.

"guarda che il nostro ragazzo preferito è qui!," (look our favorite boy is here!) Rocco yells from the other side of the gym. Out of everyone that's been here. I am the youngest to train in this gym. Rocco was the one willing to train me whenever Cane had a meeting or business to take care of.

"È passato così tanto tempo da quando l'abbiamo visto." (Been so long since we seen him.), Gianni stated flatly. I can tell he was not that excited about my appearance.

I place down my bag and begin sliding on my gloves, "mi uhh dispiace. Io sono?...qui ora..." (im sorry I'm here now.) My Italian is a little rusty.

"Learn to zpeak Italian den I'll accept your apology." Gianni mumbled under his breath. He had a very thick accent considering he had left Italy 2 years ago. A group of thugs had broken into his home and murdered his pregnant wife. So he came to America to work for Cane, doing deliveries and such. He is only 30 years old and has his life together. He just hasn't found another girl since Emilia.

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