10. first time

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Anaya's POV

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Anaya's POV.

It wasn't so bad. It was a little chilly, but it was better than sitting at a table of people who were once my friends and now hated my guts. Being alone felt nice anyway. Just me and my thoughts.

I sat behind the school, along the dirt red brick wall. Wondering why the hell my life has gone to shit. I wish I could just go back to New York. Back to my true friends, my family. Maybe Dad would let me stay with him?
I don't know.

I sat with my head between my knees. I believe I have cried at least twice a week in the past two months. With obvious reason.

I could easily tell Taylor what was going on, why I "ditched" her. She is, was, my best friend.
But, I couldn't.

What if she makes fun of me? That I could be so gullible that a cute boy like Adam would actually like me...or she tells everyone.

I sat across the bright green lawn, pulling strands out of the earth when the sun is blocked by a tall dark shadow.


I look up, squinting to find Jacob standing there with a cigarette in between his lips. He wore a simple white tank and black jeans...looking hot as fuck but I'm not in the mood. I lay my head back down against my forearms. I hope he goes away.

But instead he takes a seat beside me, which result in me coughing. I can't stand cigarettes which is weird cause every male model that poses with a cigarette is fucking hot, but nasty at the same time? Ya feel me?

"Shit sorry." He takes a puff and sticks the butt into the ground.

"You shouldn't smoke on school grounds." I whisper while sniffing...stupid allergies.

"Well, you shouldn't skip during school hours." He replies with a chuckle. I feel him staring down at me, so I lift my head up, annoyed by the fact he isn't getting the hint that I want to be alone.

"Let's go somewhere." He takes out another cigarette and then quickly puts it back after glancing at me. He really has a problem.

"Uhm where." I groan thinking that it wouldn't be so bad to just sit here...forever. It's a nice day, why can't I just sit here?

"You'll see. You just have to come with me." he hops off the grass, lending a hand for me to grab onto.
I found myself downtown, in front of the tattoo parlor by my old job. The one with the two scary looking men in the front. Jacob walked in first, greeting a couple of people, with me shyly following in suit.

We made our way down this basement with red painted steps and black walls. To be honest, I remained at the top until Jacob reassured me that I was safe with him.

The basement was actually pretty dope. There were LED lights everywhere. On the walls, hanging from the ceilings and even lining the corners of the floors. There were two windows that were barricaded in a way where only a bit of sunlight peeked through. Not only just couches, but beanbags sat facing the center towards a big screen TV. People littered the area, occupied with bongs, weed, Juuls , etc. I actually think the longer I stayed down here, I might develop asthma.

"Soo, that's Rocky." Jacob points to a bad ass hispanic girl with a red pixie cut and tattoos decorating both arms. She was just chilling nodding her head towards me so I nodded back.

"There, is Milo." He throws his thumb towards a kid sitting on a beanbag. When I mean kid, I mean like 14 years old. He was rolling up weed on his lap. Don't they start young.

"And that, right there, is Cane." He nods his head to an old guy. Old enough to be a dad. He had dark hair and was actually very handsome. He stood up, making himself seem intimidating. He walks out of the dark into clear view and puts his arms out in for a hug, a smile sitting comfortably on his face.
Nearly crushing me, I hug back.

"Well isn't she a pretty lady." He grins ruffling Jacobs hair and giving him a pat on the back.

"Ok ok enough Cane. I came here cause I know you would help show, young Anaya, here a good time." He puts his arm around my shoulders. He smells good like—

"Oh damn right I can." Cane peers at me before leaning back and asking,

"Naya. Have you ever smoked weed before?"

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