CHAPTER 8: Planning for Summer Vacation

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Night came; mom and dad arrived before dinner time. They bought food from one of our favourite fast foods. Mom noticed that Anna is also at my place. "What time you've been together? When I called, are you here already?" mom asked Anna. "We've been together here since last night, mom" I answered mom instead of Anna. Mom and dad were shocked about my answer and they both laughed. "Did you guys reunited?" mom asked with a big smile on her face. Anna and I looked each other and nodded. Mom and dad congratulated us and they're screaming as if they won in the lottery. "Don't shout, our neighbours might hear us. We just reunited today" I said with a smile. "We really love each other" said Anna and she hugged me. Mom and Dad were both happy for us. I even told them that my parents know already about me, and Anna reunited.

Enough of me and Anna, and now is the right time to talk about our summer vacation. Mom and I decided to let our staff at the shop to take their vacation too until we get back. I have messaged them through my messenger to have their vacation. They will just wait for my message for the schedule of their return duty. Besides, I was able to give their summer bonus for their vacation. Mom named many places but seems Anna doesn't like them. "What if we just stayed somewhere that there is no signal? We must not even think about social media first" Anna suggested. Dad agreed on what Anna's trying to say. Mom mentioned a beach which quite Anna and I got interested. Anna searched about the place and quite too far. It is from Leyte. It is the Kalanggaman Island. We only need to bring tent for our place to sleep and snacks to eat. Majority, everyone decided to go there.

We booked our flight for the next three days for us to be able to prepare everything we need to bring. Mom and I decided to buy new swimsuits for our coming summer vacation. Anna decided to wear rush guard and even dad. Since Kalanggaman Island is a very hot place, we also bought many sunblock to protect our skins. This vacation will serve as our first time being complete in a faraway place which nobody knows us. After we discussed, we ate our dinner. Mom and dad went home immediately because they don't want to go home late at night. Since Anna is at my place, she decided to ask permission personally to the Parish Priest that she will be moving here at my condo for good starting tomorrow. For now, she will be staying here with me tonight.

"I can't wait for our summervacation. I can't wait to see you wearing your swimsuit" Anna teased me again.I punched her tummy. "I'm just kidding. You don't need to hurt me. Besides,I've seen those before without a swimsuit" she said and laughed then she runand headed inside the bathroom. She locked the door and didn't come out. Shedid her thing and came out then she started running again until I caught her.As I caught her, I kissed her in her cheeks. "Thank you for coming back, babe"I said. Anna smiled and hugged me and kissed my forehead.

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