CHAPTER 11: Relationship Revealed

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After five days being away from home feels like you want to go back from where you've been. Mom and I were so busy at the shop. Anna came and brought food for us. "Good morning. I brought food. Take a break first" Anna told us while she prepares the food at our pantry. "Why are you here? I thought you're at the office" I told Anna. "I called you many times and I texted you that I'm on my way to buy you lunch" Anna said. I didn't notice that my phone is ringing. "I'm so sorry. The shop is too busy" I apologized. Anna understood that already. We ate our lunches and took a nap for a while. Anna woke up and kisses me while I sleep, and I woke up. She needed to get back the office. "I must go. See you later, my love" Anna said and kissed my forehead. I just nodded. "Please text me if you have time, okay?" Anna requested. "I will" I said then Anna left. It was good that my business is quite popular. Many customers are coming back to order for the wedding, birthdays, and even Christening for giveaways. I am so proud that I have achieved this goal.

Afternoon came, many staff cleaned the whole shop, and they end up exactly the time we're about to close the shop. Anna arrived and waited us inside the shop. Anna approached me and said, "Babe, Janel texted me". "What did she tell you?" I asked. "She's inviting me to have dinner with them. The choir" she said. I didn't think twice because they were her friends. "Go ahead, love. You can go. Not a problem to me" I said with a smile on my face. "Do you want to go with me?" she asked. "I think no. I'm not yet ready" Anna knew that it's hard for me to face her friends after everything happened in the past years. We didn't talk for a year. I know it's not yet time for me to see them. "I'll just drop you off. Where will you guys meet?" I added and asked. "At the Supermarket babe. They are already there. Are you sure you won't come?" Anna said. "I'm sure. Let's go?" and Anna nodded.

Mom and dad went home already. Since dad bought a new car, it will become easier for them to go home. Anna and I went to the Supermarket. We arrived there at exactly 5:45 in the afternoon. "You better text me once you get home, babe. I'll wait for it. Okay?" she said while looking at me straight into my eyes. I nodded and smiled. Anna kissed me and I kissed her back. "Message me if you want me to pick you up. Okay?" I told her. She then nodded. I saw the choir and they saw Anna going out of the car. Anna waved goodbye and I drove home. Upon Anna reached her friends, they were asking who dropped her off. Anna said that she will tell it to them while they eat. After few minutes, I messaged Anna that I'm home already. "Good. What dinner you'll eat?" Anna replied. "Vegies and fish" I replied. She then said that I'm on a diet, but I am way sexier than her. I laughed as I read her message. I told her not to message me. Her friends might get mad at her. She said that she'll just message me later. I told her okay.

Janel asked Anna once again who dropped her off. Anna told them about the relationship Anna, and I have. At first, they were shocked and couldn't believe that Anna wants me back in her life. "There's nothing wrong with Luisa. Besides, she's the best girlfriend I ever had" Anna told them. "So, is she the girl you wanted for the rest of your life just like what you posted in your Instagram?" asked Rhian. Anna nodded. Anna admits that her love for me didn't fade. "I knew it," said Rhian. Janel and others were happy about the relationship of Anna and I. They told Anna to tell me to join them next time. They also asked Anna if my parents know about our relationship and Anna said yes. They spent the night with fun. Anna messaged me that she wants me to pick her up. I hurriedly get my car key and locked everything in the house and drove safely.

I arrived at the Supermarket but she's not yet outside. I messaged Anna that I have arrived already. I saw her going out of the restaurant and the choir also. They followed Anna and reached my destination. I opened the door and go out of the car. Everyone saw me and they could not believe on how I look like. "Is that you, Luisa?'' Janel asked. I nodded with a huge smile. They hugged me. I thought I was not welcome anymore. "You're so sexy, Luisa" Rhian said. I told Rhian that she's sexy too. They said that they were happy that Anna and I reunited. They invite me that next time I will be joining them. I surely accept the invitation of course. Denise can't look at me straight into my eyes. I knew that Denise still has feelings for Anna. I approached her and gave her a hug before saying goodbye. Rhian asked where my home is. I told them that I live in a condo. I can see Anna how she smiled the way her friends talk to me. Anna holds my right hand while I talk to her friends.

Anna and I decided to go home.We said our goodbyes to them and left. Anna keeps on smiling. I asked her why."I just can't believe that my girlfriend is so pretty that my friends can'ttake their eyes off of her" Anna said. I just laughed. "I'm still me babe.Nothing changes. It's only my figure" and I laughed. Anna holds my hand and kissesit. "They told me that they're happy about us being reunited. Based on whatthey see, they can see that I am happy" Anna said. I appreciate that much. I amthankful that her friends were happy, and I am also happy.

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