~ Chapter 8 ~

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Chapter 8
Saturday August 13th
Lennon's POV

"C'mon Theo, you need to put your shorts on otherwise we can't go play at the playground" I made clear to him. It's about 1 in the afternoon, and I've been cooped up inside the house with 3 children who all decided 6 am was a prime time to be awake. I'm more than exhausted, the fact that I barely got any sleep last night at all definitely wasn't helping. I'm on my third cup of coffee, but I feel like it's not even making a difference anymore. The twins were still a little cranky, but much better than yesterday, so at least that was a plus.

Theo on the other hand had wet the bed in the middle of the night, so all morning he's been upset and embarrassed. Obviously, I tried to tell him accidents happen and nobody is mad at him, but his toddler feelings were much bigger than that. Even after I did laundry for our bed sheets and blankets and showed him how clean they were once we took them out of the dryer, he still hasn't gotten out of his sad state.

Taking the kids to the park last weekend all on my own was a disaster. Theo kept wanting to play on other areas I wasn't currently sitting near, and the twins got bored after a few minutes and insisted on eating all the mulch that was in reach of them. However, Theo in a round a bout way suggested a trip to the park would help make him feel better and how was I supposed to deny that?

This time I am going more prepared. After Theo suggested a trip outside the house, I texted Lyanna and asked if she was available and willing, and if she would tag a long with us to get some lunch and take the kids to the park. Of course, I told her there was no pressure and I would obviously pay her for going out with us for a bit. She agreed, and honestly I was really thankful she did. I wanted to make Theo happy, but I did not want the stress of being so outnumbered at a playground again.

"I gotta finish my block house" Theo answered as he placed another block to the tower he's been building as I got the twins ready to leave, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he focused on placing it just right.

"Lyanna is going to be here in a few minutes and we need to be ready to go teddy bear" I held up his shorts in my free hand, Atticus propped up on my side taking up the other.

"Miss Lanna coming?" Theo turned his head towards me, slightly messing up the pronunciation of her name as he always does. We're still working on it.

"Yeah, she's going to play with you. I'm sure if you ask politely that she will push you on the swings" I suggested knowing the swing set was Theo's favorite part of the playground. Instantly, the block house was forgotten about and he ran over to me to finish putting his clothes and shoes on. At the same time, there was a knock on the door, so I let Theo finish getting himself ready and opened the front door to welcome Lyanna inside for a moment.

Except I didn't come face to face with Lyanna.

Unfortunately, an annoying curly haired British man was staring back at me.

"I really do not have time for this right now" I flatly said, clearly unamused and I let him know that. I mean seriously, he has got to stop showing up here uninvited. I'm in the middle of trying to take care of my kids, and I don't need to be messing around with him every single day.

Lyanna was going to be here any minute, so I needed to get rid of him before she showed up here. I don't know if she cares about him or not, but how would I even explain why Harry Styles is standing on my doorstep? Exactly, you don't. So he needs to leave and I need to get back inside to make sure I have everything I need ready to go.

"I know, I know, but just can I give you something?" He asked.


"Lenny, please" He held out an old tethered journal in his hand, and I instantly recognized it as the one he used to write in before we would go to bed at night. I shifted in my stance uncomfortably, not wanting to take it from him.

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