~ Chapter 28 ~

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Chapter 28
Saturday September 10th
Lennon's POV

"I wuv you" Theo looked at me.

"I love you more" I smiled at him.

All 3 kids surprisingly slept in a little later this morning, and I actually managed to catch a couple hours of it as well.

This led to a very smooth morning, and I was very happy about it. I was sipping on my coffee, the babies sipping on their milk, and Theo was waiting on his Belgium waffle to be finished cooking for breakfast.

We didn't really have any plans for today but I figured I would see if the kids good behavior keeps up, and then maybe we will venture outside of the house. A new little ice cream shop opened up not too far from here and I figured that would be a quick activity, and something Theo would enjoy.


"Yeah bud?" I asked in the midst of getting his waffle from the machine and onto a plate.

"Lia and Atti need family bracuhlet" Theo proposed, holding up his wrist to show off his own bracelet we made.

"Oh you're so right" I encouraged. "They're too little to wear them on their wrists, but maybe we can make them and put them in their room until they're older"

"That a good idea" Theo nodded. "Now?"

"We can make them after you eat your breakfast" I instructed and slid his plate over to him.

"Otay!" Theo agreed, and picked up one of four pieces on his plate.

While he ate, I washed the twin's now dirty bottles and laid them on one of the play mats with some hangy toys. Then I had a granola bar as a quick breakfast for myself since my stomach was starting to rumble.

It was only a few minutes later that Theo announced he was done eating his breakfast, and was ready to do some arts and crafts. Theo ran over to the craft closet, his curls bouncing on top of his head as he did. His hair has been getting so long recently and in his face a bit more, but I can't find it in me to trim it just yet.

I grabbed the bracelet supplies off the shelf and let Theo pick out the beads and string colors while I moved the twins to a new activity, so they would be entertained while we made bracelets for a few moments.

"Alright what color should Atticus have?" I asked, sitting next to Theo.

"Blue" Theo declared, and held up the pack of blue string.

"What about Lia?" I cut a piece of blue string off.

"Puh-ple" Theo mispronounced purple and handed it to me.

"Good choices" I complimented.

We then dug around the bead container until we found all the letters that make up Atticus and Delia. I helped Theo string the beads on when he had trouble and made sure all the letters were in the correct order.

The two bracelets looked super cute when we were done with them, and then right away Theo wanted to find the perfect place in their nursery to display them.

We ended up placing white thumbtacks in the wall and putting the bracelets on them so they'd be displayed on the wall. It was what Theo wanted and I didn't mind as long as he was happy.

And now all 4 of us have coordinating bracelets.

I even had the motivation to clean up the craft supplies right as we finished as opposed to leaving it on the table for a few days. I guess the few hours of sleep I got last night helped.

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