~ Chapter 39 ~

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Here's a long one for you :)

Chapter 39
Saturday October 8th
Lennon's POV

Harry ended up coming over on Sunday afternoon, the day after our pool date, and we took the kids out on a walk and played bubbles and games in the backyard with him. It was slightly awkward if I'm being honest, both Harry and I were still a little uneasy from the day before and the conversation was tense but we managed to get through it.

After that the next time that I had heard from him was on Thursday afternoon when I invited him over for dinner with the kids. I had made pasta and then we did playdoh and crafts with Theo until Harry had left. That night I also told him what I could compromise on for Theo's birthday, and with a smile on his face he had agreed and thanked me for it.

At this point I'm honestly not trying to keep the two of them away from each other, I just genuinely needed time to think about the effects if Harry spent the day with us. We ended up agreeing on the fact that I get to do presents and take Theo out for the day like I originally planned, but Harry can come over in the evening and do cake with us.

I explained it to Theo last night at bedtime that H would be joining us this evening, and he didn't have much of a reaction. He just said okay and turned over to close his eyes and go to sleep. I was just glad he didn't react negatively, because then I would be stuck in a really awkward position that I didn't want to be in.

I was just glad that all 3 of us appear to be okay with the circumstances we created for Theo's big day.

I woke up this morning before the kids as I almost always do, and the first thing I did this morning was look over at Theo. My once a small little baby who is now a grown 4 year old.

How has time gone by so fast that I now am a mom to a 4 year old?

It feels like yesterday that we had brought him home from the hospital in his car seat, two scared and young parents who looked at each other when we walked in the house with a look on our face asking what are we supposed to do now?

The answer is we ended up sitting on the couch next to each other with the car seat on the floor in front of us just staring at Theo in disbelief. We stayed that way for 20 minutes.

And now here we are, many heartbreaks and memories later. I was so proud of the kid that Theo is becoming, and each and every day he makes me more and more proud to be his mother. I couldn't imagine this life without him, he's honestly the reason why I've gotten through some of the toughest times.

He was the most unexpected gift in my life, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

I quietly snuck out of bed, wanting him to sleep in as much as he wants. The kids get up so early on the weekdays to go to daycare, so I always appreciate when they sleep in. Both them and I need the extra rest.

I decorated after the kids were asleep last night. My bedroom door had décor taped on it and hanging, with streamers and balloons that will surprise him when he opens the door. Well, as much surprise that there can be considering I decorate the door each year.

The dining room is also decorated for him to wake up to. A couple presents are set up on the birthday paper clothed table, colorful plates and utensils next to it. The walls are now home to a few birthday banners and pictures of Theo through out the years. More balloons are scattered around the floor, and decorations hang from the ceiling.

Of course there's also his Toy Story cake, but that's currently in the fridge.

I looked at the time and saw that I managed to sleep in til 9 am, which means it shouldn't be too much longer before all the kids are awake. That means I have to get started on Theo's birthday breakfast. I overslept just slightly longer than I wanted to, so I took out my phone in a rush, hoping that the delivery will get here before Theo is awake.

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