~ Chapter 24 ~

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Chapter 24
Sunday September 4th
Lennon's POV

"You want to come over for lunch?" My mom questioned although I wasn't sure why. Usually the only way my parents see the kids is when I'm the one initiating it and stopping by their house for a few hours. My mom has only recently been coming by my house, it never used to be like that.

"Yeah, dad can grill and the kids can splash around in the pool. Theo would like that, and dad hasn't seen the babies in a while either" I explained my reasoning. Theo loves when we go swimming, despite it not happening all that often. We don't have our own pool and the neighborhood one is always way too crowded for Theo's liking, so we really only have a pool day when I bring the kids over to their grandparents.

"Yeah, I guess that could work. What time?"

"12:30? The twins need to nap at 3, so that would give us enough time to eat and play" I suggested. The twins would wake up around 11:45, so as long as I can get Theo ready to go while they sleep and get the babies bathing suits and supplies ready in advance, we'd be good to go right around 12:30.

"That works. See you soon"

"Alright, bye" I waited for her goodbye and then I hung up the phone. I was glad that Theo was entertaining himself with the toys in his room as I spoke on the phone. Then it could be a surprise for him, one that I know he'll enjoy.

I smiled down at the babies who were drinking their bottles in their bouncers. I could tell they were already getting tired and wanting to go down for their morning nap.

"Momma! Look what I maked" Theo emerged from his bedroom, holding up what appeared to be some block stacked on top of each other in a singular line. I had no idea what it was.

"Wow! That's cool bud" I praised.

"Yeah. I'm hungry"

"You can get a snack" I told him. We ate breakfast not too long ago, but we probably won't eat lunch until at least 1 so if he wants a snack then he can get a snack. "What would you like?"

He excitedly ran over to the pantry and slid the door open to reveal his options. He put his hands on his hips and thought about it, before making a grab at the chocolate chip cookies.

"This is my loved snack momma" Theo brought it over to me, outstretching it to have me open it for him.

"I know it is. What do you say?" I asked, taking the packaging from him.

"Open please"

"Of course. Here you go" I handed the now opened cookies back to him. "Sit at the table please so you don't get crumbs all over the floor"

Theo turned around to walk over to the table like I asked, instead of towards his bedroom. Meanwhile I lifted the babies up out of their bouncers once they were finished with their milk, and laid them down in their cribs for their nap. By the time I was done, I heard Theo rummaging around again in his bedroom to play with his toys, so I figured I'd better get the stuff I need to do done now rather than in half an hour when he asks me to entertain him.

It took me 10 minutes of searching around the house to find where I had stored the pool bag containing throwing toys, goggles, swim diapers, and whatever else. Except the sunscreen was not there. Groaning, I began to pull open every cabinet in the house to find the missing bottle.

Finally, I found it in my bathroom? I had no idea why it was there but I was relieved I didn't have to keep searching for it. I picked out coordinating bathing suits for the twins, and then found Theo's swim shorts all in the laundry room. Restocked the twins snacks in their diaper bag, and any other essentials such as diapers, wipes, extra clothes.

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