~ Chapter 50 ~

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How are we at chapter 50 ?! I love you guys :)

Chapter 50
Monday November 14th
Lennons POV

I woke up with my arms being crushed underneath the weight of my 4 year olds body and the sound of my alarm clock repeating for the 3rd time. I snoozed it the last two times it went off as I really wanted those extra moments of sleep, but now I regrettably have to rush to get all 4 of us ready.

I did the quick process of getting myself ready for work, and then moving onto waking Theo up from his slumber. He groaned in his sleep, as he almost always does, and I scooped him up in my arms and rocked him back and forth. "We have to wake up baby"

"I'm tired" Theo mumbled, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Me too" I agreed with him. The weekends go by so fast, and it isn't long before I'm dropping my babies off for hours.

"And hungry"

"I'm afraid we only have time for cereal" I brushed his hair with my fingers and kissed his forehead, gently nudging him awake and off of me so he was now standing in front of me.

"Okay" He yawned, and headed out of our room and to his room to grab his clothes for the day that we pulled out last night. While Theo changed himself, I got the twins up and changed before heading ourselves out to the living room.

After I gave Theo his bowl of cereal and the twins their breakfast, I scarfed down a granola bar and a protein shake, confused when my phone lit up on the counter with a message. With a confused look at who is texting me so early in the morning, I grabbed the phone and I was not expecting who it was.

From Anne:

Hey darling. Sorry we haven't talked recently, and I haven't reached out since Harry came back. He's been keeping me updated, but I wanted to give you both time to reconcile before I messaged. I hope you and the kids are doing great of course, and maybe now I can make a trip out there to see Theo since Harry is back J I'm just a little worried because he hasn't messaged me in a couple days, and that's unlike him. I'm assuming he's been busy with you guys, but I have that motherly instinct something is up. Thought I would reach out. Love you sweet girl

I read her message and sighed. It's not that I don't love Anne, I do, but now I feel like I'm in a really complicated spot.

Clearly, Harry hasn't mentioned anything about his relapse to her and apparently has just left her in the dark by not responding to anything since it happened. So now, I either have to lie and tell her everything is great, or I have to tell her the truth. I honestly don't think it's my place to share hard details about his addiction, even more so when he hasn't told her anything himself.

On the other hand, I also know how it feels to be a mom and be worried about your babies, and I would want to know if my children were in the hospital and almost died or something along those lines. I frustratingly pulled at the roots of my hair and stared down at her message in agony.

Looking at the time, I needed to answer her and get out the door, otherwise I'll risk being late. I picked up my phone and started typing out a message that I felt kept Harry's "secret" secret, but also let her know she's not wrong to think something is going on.

To Anne:

That's okay, I haven't been the best at it either J  Hope everything is good for you as well, and I'll send you some pictures of Theo later when I'm off work. I think you should keep trying to get answers from Harry...

After hitting send, I lugged the kids out to the car and got them all buckled for our drive to daycare. Theo talked my ear off about crabs for some reason until we pulled in, and I listened intently until it was time to hand them over to Lucas.

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