~ Chapter 60 ~

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Chapter 60
Saturday January 7th
Harry's POV

"You want to take Theo for the morning?" Lennon looked me, slightly confused. I've never asked her before to have Theo one on one, so she was probably trying to determine what I was up to. She didn't need to know though. Not yet, at least.

It was the perfect morning for it. plus, I sort of needed to get it done this morning since Lennon told me she'd be telling Theo the truth about me later this afternoon, and I would like to get this completed while the kid still enjoys my presence.

"Yeah. To like Target or something" I responded. I was prepared to go out in public, I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt. I also brought sunglasses and a baseball cap to held hide my face, and pants to cover up any tattoos on my legs. It's not like anybody will be expecting me to be roaming a Target on a Saturday morning, so I hoped that would be good enough.

This morning I had a slight panic that my request would not be accepted. I had momentarily forgotten about the fact that Lennon might not want me to be driving Theo around. Not because of me, but because of the accident. I was worried for a few minutes until I remembered that their babysitter drives them home from school three times a week, so it should end up okay.

"Okay. Yeah, that should be fine" Lennon agreed, and I internally cheered.

"Great, thank you" I smiled. "I'll go get him ready"

I walked away before she could say anything else, and entered the living room where Theo was currently playing with the twins. I watched them for a second while none of them noticed I was standing there, because Theo was trying to help Atticus latch back onto his pacifier while using his other hand to rub Delia's stomach, and it was the cutest thing ever.

Now it was time for the next part of the plan; get Theo to leave the house with me.

"Theo" I announced I was there, and he looked up at me and smiled when his eyes met mine. "You wanna go out to a store bud?"

"What store?" He asked, standing up.


"Oh! Can I get a cake pop?" His eyes widened.

"Of course you can" I agreed, because why wouldn't i? He can have as many cake pops as he wants.

"Yay!" He smiled.

Lennon came in to watch the twins, and I took Theo into his room and watched as he picked out what clothes and shoes he wanted to wear today. He decided on a pair of black pants, a white shirt, and a light blue jacket with Toy Story characters on it. I fixed up his curls because they were a mess from when he woke up this morning, and helped lace up his converse sneakers.

Before we left the house, he said big goodbyes to his mom, his dog, and his siblings, making sure they each got a kiss before he left. Lennon and I swapped car keys so that we didn't have to move car seats, but so she could still have a vehicle should she need one. I strapped Theo into his seat, double checking the straps as thoroughly as Lennon would.

We drove to Target, and the car ride was mostly filled with Theo telling me different stories about things that probably never happened. It was quite weird to just be with him, because it wasn't something I was used to. Usually it's the 5 of us all hanging out, and even when I was babysitting I still had the twins, so it wasn't just one on one time with Theo.

I held onto Theo's hand tightly as we walked in the parking lot. Then of course the first thing that we did when we entered Target was turn right to go to the small Starbucks area. I ordered a coffee for myself and a strawberry sprinkled cake pop for Theo, who was super excited when the girl behind the counter handed it to him.

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