~ Chapter 63 ~

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Chapter 63
Tuesday January 17th
Harry's POV

Despite the over glooming clouds in the sky that forecasted dreaded weather today, I couldn't be in a better mood. Which is somewhat shocking because I don't even get to see my favorite people today. Lennon is at work until late, and the kids are at school, so it just doesn't really work out for me to go hang out with them on days like this. Nowadays my mood is somewhat determined by when I get to see all of them, but today I woke up refreshed and happy.

Maybe I was still coming off of the "high" of this weekend. It was special to me to make Lennon's day special for her. I was really glad that she enjoyed the birthday festivities from the kids and I, and it was nice to watch the smile spread across her face constantly. She deserves to always be that happy.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little shocked by how thankful she was for it. She just kept repeating that things like that haven't been done for her in a while, and I couldn't help but think about the fact that Hudson didn't do those things for her? I know Theo mentioned it when I was out with him that day, but I didn't think too much of it because he's a kid. Now that Lennon has also said some things, I'm more shocked. Of course I'm only assuming based of what she's said, so I could be wrong, but it was strange to me.

Regardless, I'm very happy that she had a nice day and that I got to see endless amounts of that beautiful smile of hers.

I was just so enthralled by every part of her. She was addicting, and I couldn't get enough. I was stupid to think that I would show up here and not fall even more in love with her. If that's even possible. I thought I reached the highest that I could a long time ago, but each day I continue to fall face first even harder.

I truly didn't appreciate what we had the first time.

The fact that she gave me a second chance in the first place is still insane to me. I in no way deserved any amount of her time that I was begging for. I wake up thankful every single day that she heard me out, and I'll make it up to her for the rest of my life. Hopefully by her side.

As much as I want to be able to officially call her my girlfriend again, I want her to be ready for it. I would hate if she thinks that I'm rushing her or anything, because recently we've been a lot more close to one another than we have been. The time will come when I'll be able to call her mine again, and until then, I'll be anticipating it.

Right now though, I'm extremely happy with where I'm at. After I left, I didn't think I'd get to feel this lucky to be here now. Honestly, I knew I didn't deserve it. I accepted that my life wouldn't be the same after I left.

There was never a doubt of how much I loved Theo and Lennon. There was just...issues of mine that I wasn't able to get under control that led to my demise.

But now? Everything is finally coming together again.

Theo knows the truth about who I am to him, and although he isn't fully comfortable with it yet, I was just relieved that I didn't have to lie to him anymore. Lennon and I are in a good place, and we're making up for all the time that I took away from us. I got to work on a movie, one of my biggest passions. I also have been making good progress with my addiction. I haven't had an urge to pick up a bottle in two weeks. The puzzle pieces are lining up again.

I looked at my phone that beeped from my night side table. A notification from the app the daycare uses to update the parents and everything. They just uploaded a few pictures of Theo and the twins, which were adorable. It was cute when Lennon told me she added me to the list for not only Theo, but also for the twins. She was all giddy and excited that I would love seeing pictures of them as much as I would Theo.

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