~ Chapter 19 ~

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Chapter 19
Wednesday August 31st
Harry's POV

"Frank doesn't like tuna" I said, mouthful of toasted bread. I was dressed in a fancy blue suit, clean shaven, hair styled back, wedding ring on my finger.

"What?" Florence responds, a confused expression on her face. She wore just a white button up t-shirt, her hair messily hanging in front of her face.

"He doesn't like it" I repeated, a small shrug of my shoulders.

"Are you being serious?"

"Mm-hm" I mumbled.

"Baby why didn't you tell me? I was planning on it being the centerpiece to my dish" She gasped in distress over the now ruined plan of hers.

I placed my hand over my chest and looked at her in the uptmost concern. "Alice, not the centerpiece"

The two of us continued to act out the rest of the scene while the crowd of crew watched us. Alice questioned Jack about his work, and tried to convince him he wasn't feeling well so he'd stay home with her, which spoiler alert: it didn't.

"And cut!" Olivia called out. She was dressed in her costume, her red wig hiding her actual hair, sitting legs crossed in her director's chair.

This scene is going to appear in the first 20 minutes of the movie giving a slight introduction more into the character's of Jack and Alice. Alice appears as the tending wife to her darling husband Jack, making him breakfast and trying to convince him it's a good idea to stay home so she can care for him. It's kind of fun playing a married man so far.

We've been filming the movie for 3 weeks now, and I've only gotten more invested and in love with the role that I'm in. Especially during this last week. I've really delved into my work on and off camera to serve as a distraction. If I'm not focused on nailing the scenes, then my mind wanders off to Lennon, just like it always has. Except now it's worrying whether I'm going to get a second chance or not.

It's been a hell of a week. A week that has pushed me over the edge and has tempted me to pick up one of the bottles.

I haven't. But I so badly want to.

I've just been so anxious all week long, and I feel like I have a constant pit of dread and worry in my stomach. There's so many reasons why she could say no to me. I feel like being self aware of those reasons should be a good thing, but they just make me feel like a shit person.

I made a mistake, the biggest mistake of my entire life, and now I might possibly pay the price for the rest of my entire life.

Today's the day that she's supposed to reach out to me and let me know what she's decided and whether or not she's going to sit down and have a conversation with me. To say I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century, I'm terrified.

I know Lennon will reach out. Her heart wouldn't just allow herself to blow it off. That's just reason 1 of 8492098 why she's a better person than I ever will be. Even though I caused her so much pain and betrayal, I trust that she's going to pick up the phone and tell me either some really good news or the worst statement I'll ever hear in my life.

I meant what I said to her in the hospital. I know it was a crazy idea, but I was desperate, and believe it or not my plan somewhat worked. I know that she thought it was hilarious when I announced that I want to be a father, but I meant what I said with every ounce of a person that I am.

Leaving Theo was the most regrettable decision that I've ever made in my life.

I feel like a part of Lennon believes that I made my choice with no care in the world and I walked away unscathed. I'm not saying that my pain is in anyway comparable to what I caused her, but that's a false statement.

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