~ Chapter 23 ~

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Chapter 23
Saturday September 3rd
Lennon's POV

Harry left yesterday shortly after Delia's unexpected wake up. Which was fine because I was kind of done yesterday, and then it was time for Atticus to wake up from his nap and get the babies fed to go out the door for Theo. Harry sort of ended up showing himself out once Atticus had woken up.

In the midst of it all, I told him that I would think about everything that we've talked about and I would reach out to him sometime over the next couple days. I wanted to spend my weekend focused on the kids, and then I'd be a little caught up with work. He understood and assured me to take the time that I need to think about it all, and how deeply sorry he is. He was starting to sound like a broken record with the amount of times he's apologizing.

I feel like his apologies are genuine, but I can't fully trust it yet.

The rest of yesterday was quite slow. Theo was excited that it was the weekend and he didn't have to go to school tomorrow. Apparently one of the little girls had come over to where Theo was independently playing with magnet tiles and she took them all away from him to play with them herself. Theo was not happy about it.

But now it's a Saturday at 10 am and Theo has played with most of his toys by now. Tiredly, I played them all with him while managing the twin's schedule. My sleep schedule was not any different last night than it has been for the last couple weeks. Tossing and turning all night long, staring at the ceiling, and just hoping I would drift off soon. I knew if I had a battery, it would be on its last bar right about now.

I knew that the kids needed me though, so I had no option but to push through it all and keep going. After all, it's important that Theo gets his waffles cut in triangles and the babies only lay on their backs to keep them from screaming.

It's crazy the little things that become of importance when you become a parent, at least in my experience. The things like making sure Theo's milk is in the dinosaur sippy cup and not the race cars become just as important as something like brushing your teeth, because it just makes the day go by smoother.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy"

"Theo Theo Theo Theo"

He giggled. "I'm hungry"

"Would you like to have some fruit" I offered to him. I'm not super picky about the snacks that Theo's allowed to have and I think that's helped his eating habits. He loves eating bananas just as much as he likes to eat chocolate pudding or candy, and I think it's because I never kept him away from eating the deemed unhealthy snacks. Half the time the kid asks for a snack he usually himself chooses fruit anyways, which is fine by me.

"Yeah I want a bananananana"

I laughed at his pronunciation and then got up from the floor to grab it off the counter for him. Peeling the sides down a bit, I then handed it to him and he thanked me happily.

I looked down at him and smiled. Looking at him right now after seeing Harry the last few days, has just really reminded me how much he looks like his dad. Even when Theo was a baby, he resembled Harry and we thought it was adorable. But then Harry left and their similarities just reminded me of Harry, and it took a while to get over. But there's no mistaking those green eyes and little brown curls are all his fathers.

Theo munched on his banana satisfied, and then after his quick snack break he wanted to go take a walk and spend some time outdoors. We took a loop around the neighborhood and I was sweating like crazy after being outside for 10 minutes, yet Theo was perfectly fine. We stopped at what our neighborhood considers a park, which should be a crime because it's one slide and a swingset that isn't even functional. Although Theo had fun going down the slide a few times once I explained that he can't do his favorite activity, the swings.

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