~ Chapter 40 ~

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In honor of posting my new story "Code Blue" I'm also posting a Comeback update!
Pleaseeee check out my new story! I am so excited for it and hope you guys love it!!

Chapter 40
Sunday October 9th
Harry's POV

"So when do you think you'll feel comfortable announcing your role in the film? I know we tentatively had a month, but I just ask because I'm trying to figure out promotion down the line, and I know your name will take us one step further. Have you given it any thought yet?"

Olivia sat across from me, cup of coffee clasped in between her two hands. It was 7AM on a Sunday morning, we were sat in the back of the coffee shop, my back to the door and Olivia wearing sunglasses and a hoodie should anyone recognize her. It was quite quiet in here considering it was a weekend and it was earlier than anyone wants to be awake on a Sunday morning, but it was fine since there was less chances of being spotted.

Olivia asked me out on this coffee adventure last night whilst I was driving home from Lennon's house. I didn't know why she was inviting me out for a drink on such short notice considering her message gave no other information, but she is currently my boss so I didn't ask many questions.

Florence's and I's conversation from the other week about the crew thinking there was something going on between us flashed through my mind momentarily, but I figured it was nothing like that so I didn't say no.

But now that she's asked this question, I know why I was wanted here.

"I haven't given it any other thought yet" I responded, taking another sip of my coffee.

She hummed. "Okay...It's just I'm not sure how far Florence's name will get us, and I want to name drop your return at the perfect time"

I was a bit taken aback at her comment about Florence but I tried my hardest to keep my emotions off of my face, but I knew I wanted to defend her. "I think Florence is doing pretty well so far"

"For sure. There definitely is noise surrounding the film, but this isn't my first time doing this. I know that when we announce your big comeback the media will go off in flames. I was thinking January, what are your thoughts on that?"

"January?" I repeated. It was still a few months away, but to me it still seemed so soon. I had no idea how my relationship with Theo is going to be in 3 months and whether or not he'd still hate me. Lennon brought up how she appreciates us keeping our contact under wraps while we navigate this new territory, and I wanted to continue to honor that.

I mean I hope that by then Theo is comfortable with me, but there's just no way to tell that when it's only been three weeks and he just now said my name for the first time. Plus, even if Theo opens up to me at the end of this year, would January be too soon to bring the media attention back on me and potentially them?

Maybe I'm overthinking it a little bit and everything would work out, but I've been trying so hard to do everything right for the two of them and as much as I loved my career, I didn't want it to be the thing that ruins the good that I have going for me right now.

"Yes. It's the start of the New Year, the year the movie will be coming out so it'd be perfect. The talk surrounding it and Florence will probably die off by then because of old news and the holidays, so you would definitely get the attention sparking again. I would appreciate it if you could give me the go ahead" Olivia explained her reasoning, and it all just made me nervous. I found myself twirling my thumbs underneath the table, one of my nervous habits. One that I also knew Theo picked up as well.

"I don't know" I told her honestly, sort of a loss for words.

"That article you did would be the perfect announcement Harry"

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