~ Chapter 45 ~

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This was supposed to be posted days ago but I was celebrating my 21st birthday, so sorry for the wait!!! Code Blue update as well to make up for it!

Chapter 45
Tuesday November 8th
Harry's POV

Lennon looked a little more lively when she opened the front door this morning, I hope that meant the twins let her catch a good stretch of sleep. She was already dressed in her blue scrubs, hair styled in a ponytail when she greeted me.

"Thank you so much again" She breathed out when she let me inside the house. "I don't know what I would have done"

"It's no problem" I assured, and tried to stifle the yawn that was forming in my throat.

I was exhausted, even with the amount of sleep I got last night. I don't know how Lennon does this each and every day without help. I know she's only asked me here because of dire need, but maybe now that she left them with me once, she'll trust me to watch them so she can get a break every once in a while.

"So I explained it to Theo last night, he knows you're here again, so you shouldn't have a major meltdown. He seemed fine yesterday, told me he colored and stuff, and he seemed okay with it" Lennon filled me in, and that made me smile.

"That's good, how's everyone feeling?"

"The twins weren't up as much last night, so they're on the mend hopefully. Theo hasn't thrown up since you had him, which is also good. Hopefully today is easier if the twins are less cranky" Lennon crossed her fingers, and I was glad to hear the small improvements they had.

"What about you?" I asked her.


"I asked how everyones feeling and so far" I counted on my fingers up to 3. "I'm missing one"

She rolled her eyes playfully at my gesture. "I'm fine"

"Ah, an unexpected answer"

She ignored my teasing and tidied up something on the counter, or more so rearranged it for no reason. "What about you?"

"I'm okay" I told her.

"Just okay? Did the kids scar you that bad?" She chuckled, and it was so nice to see a smile on her face.

"Got some things on my mind"

She eyed me hesitantly, almost like she was debating if she should ask the next question she had on her mind. If it would be okay or if it would cross the boundary she put up between us to know what's going on up here.

"Like what?"


I said it quickly without thinking, most definitely crossing that boundary she put up.

"Harry" She sighed.

"Not in a relationship way" I denied.

She made a confused face at me. "How many other ways are there?"

"More of an I'm worried about you type of way" I admitted.

"You don't need to worry about me, I've told you so many times that I'm fine" Lennon looked at me, not seeming annoyed, but rather she'd just move on from this conversation.

"But are you really?" I maintained eye contact with her. I didn't forget about the night I first showed up here and I asked her to at least tell me if everything was okay. She had looked me right in my face and told me yes, everything was. It's hard now to believe that knowing all that's gone on in their life this year.

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