Thirty seven

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"I'm going to head to Zara's house now ma," I tell her as I walk towards the door.

She pauses her conversation with pa on the couch. "Okay amor, tell her we said Merry Christmas. Did you get her a thousand gifts?"

"I will let her know. And no, these are also for the rest of my friends. Adios te quiero mucho," I yell out as I open the door.

They both simultaneously yell it back to me and I close the door with a smile.

It's snowing, quite a lot, but I'm eager to get to Romero's house.

Zara already said she'd cover for me if my mom calls her. I feel a little guilty for lying to ma and pa, but not enough to stop me.

I grunt as I haul the big bag of gifts into my passenger seat.

Before driving away I stop and think. Wait should I get coffee first?

Yeah, I think I will.

A nice warm mocha latte is calling my name.


"Romero I have a little a lot to carry can you come outside and help me please?"

"Carmen..." he mutters accusingly.

I awkwardly smile as I hold the phone up to my ear. "Yes....?"

"Did you bring gifts?"

I fully grin. "If you thought I wasn't going to bring some of my favorite people gifts you're crazy. Now come outside and help your girlfriend who is bearing gifts."

He sighs through the receiver. I can just see him pinching his nose bridge.

He hangs up and less than a minute later he's coming outside and up to the car.

I open the door and before I can even say anything he leans into the car and presses a kiss to my lips.

When he breaks away he looks to the passenger seat "Carmen you really didn't have to-"

"Shush," I say, cutting him off. "Now if you don't mind, may you please bring in the gifts while I bring in coffee and pastries."

His mouth goes slightly ajar and I slither past him and out the car.


It's quiet as we enter the house.

A tiny Christmas tree is set up in the living room. His grandmother sits on the couch with Mariana on her lap. Karine lays on the opposite end typing on her phone. And I can hear his aunt moving around in the kitchen.

"Hello..." I say as I walk in.

All their heads turn to me and Karine sits up when she sees the food in my arms.

Mariana smiles up at me and so does his grandmother.

His aunt walks into the room and a wide smile takes over her expression when she sees me. "Oh my," she says as she walks over and grabs some stuff from my grasp while pressing a kiss to my cheek. "What is all this?"

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