Fifty one

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I sit with my legs crossed and my hands folded on my lap as I watch her stir the tea.

She taps the spoons against the cups and places them down before grabbing the cups and bringing one over to me.

"Thank you," I tell her as I take it gratefully.

Lifting it to my mouth, I take a sip.

Oh, chamomile! Delicious.

"It's very lovely to see you. I'm so glad you were able to meet with me," she starts as she sits behind her fancy mahogany desk.

I flash her a smile even though my stomach feels like it's about to cave in from nerves. "I'm very grateful to be here, thank you Ms. Klein."

She smiles and the corners of her eyes crinkle.

She sips some of her tea and pushes a red curl out of her face. "So, as you may know, Harvard is third in the country for debate teams."

Oh I know.

Nodding, I smile. "Of course. I love watching clips of the team compete."

She sips her tea and leans back, staring at me for a long moment. "I would like to recruit you for the team."

My face stills as I stare at her small smirk.

A cough escapes my throat and I tilt my head. "Sorry?" What's happening?

She chuckles. "I've been looking for more candidates to fill the recent empty positions on our debate team. We need people who speak eloquently. Who can think quickly on the spot. And who have passion."

I stay quiet and continue staring at her, frozen.

"We would be very lucky to have you join us on the team in the fall semester," she states.

A shaky breath leaves my mouth.

Is this really happening.

"We're starting a new program for debate scholarships. I'm director. I've looked at your college application that you sent in a while ago and well..." Her hands fold. "Would you be interested?"

Would I be interested?! Would I be interested????

"Yes," I respond immediately not even a second after she asked.

That makes her chuckle and grab her pen to start writing something down.

A smirk pulls onto her red-painted lips. "Well then," she extends her hand to me. "Welcome to Harvard."


"Oh mami I'm so happy for you," ma sings happily into my ear as she hugs me to death.

I have a wide smile on my face as I keep my arms locked around her and breathe in the scent of her hair.

"Mi niña va a Harvard," pa says as I separate from ma and hug him next.

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