He's sick at school (Harry)

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You guys were juniors in high school. You had been dating Harry since you were freshmen. He was the sweetest guy you could imagine being with. You loved his friends and he loved yours. One morning you were standing at your locker while your best friend Louis talked to you.

"I'm telling you Y/N, this game is gonna be epic," he said excitedly.

"I believe you Lou," you chuckled putting books in your locker.

"Hey Harry," he said suddenly. You looked up and smiled and saw your boyfriend trudging towards you. Your smile faded when you saw how pale he was.

"Hazza?" you asked a little concerned. He looked up and smiled at you.

 "Hey beautiful," he said softly.

"Haz, are you alright?" you asked putting your hand on his shoulder. He nodded.

"Yeah, just a bit tired," he said opening his locker. You didn't believe him but you just shrugged it off.

"Harry you look terrible," Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Lou," he said sarcastically. You chuckled a little.

"You know what mean. You alright mate?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. You ready for this game?" he asked changing the subject. Louis then of course focused his attention back on the game. You looked at your boyfriend, his eyes were dull and you could tell something was wrong. You put your hand on his shoulder. He smiled and took your hand. "I'm fine," he told you. You nodded. The warning bell rang.

"I'll see you at lunch," you said picking up your books. He kissed your cheek and you went your separate ways. You go through the first half of your day worried about Harry. He'd normally text you thought out the day but today you didn't hear from him. You hurry to lunch and sit down at your table. Harry and his friend Niall were already there.

"Hey," he said softly.

"Hi," you reply. "Are you not eating?" you ask him.

"Yeah I just didn't want to wait in line," he said quickly.

"You said, Ow!" Niall started before Harry kicked him under the table.

"Come on Niall," he said standing up. You watch them get in line and Louis sat down next to you.

"What's wrong with Harry?" you asked looking at Louis, who just took a bite of his sandwich.

"I don't know," he mumbled looking away.

 "Louis Tomlinson, you tell me what wrong with him!" you demanded.

"Alright, alright. But you didn't hear it from me. He's been complaining about his stomach hurting. He doesn't want to tell you because he knows you'll talk him into going home and we've got that big game today," Louis told you. Your heart broke. "He says he's fine, Niall and Liam and I have been watching him all day."

"I won't say anything," you said sadly.

"He'll be fine Y/N," Louis smiled. Niall and Harry sat back down with their trays and Niall immediately took a bite. Harry reluctantly picked up his sandwich and took a bite. You looked at Louis who just shrugged and went back to eating. You watched Harry struggle to eat before you couldn't take it anymore.

"Louis told me you were sick," you said looking at Harry. He shot Louis a look. "Don't get mad I made him tell me. Harry don't eat just to try to fool me," you said taking his hand.

 "It's just, we've got this game tonight and,"

 "I know," you cut him off. "I get it, just take it easy ok?" He nodded. You rubbed his back and he just put his head down. You felt terrible but you just let it go. At the end of the day he met you at your locker. He had his hand on his stomach and he was incredibly pale.

"Hey," he said weakly.

"Oh Haz," you said shutting your locker. You put your hand on his head. "Hazza, you've got a fever," you said taking your hand away.

"Just got to make it through the game," he said putting his head on your shoulder. You rubbed his back.

 "I'm sorry, baby," you say softly. He whimpers a little then pulls his head up. You see he has tears in his eyes. "Maybe you shouldn't play Haz, I'm worried about you," you say putting you hand on his cheek. He leans in to your touch.

"I'll be alright," he says. You nodded and walk him down to the locker room. After he goes in you head up to the stands and sit down next to a friend of yours.

"What took ya?" she asked punching you playfully.

 "Sorry. Harry isn't feeling well. I'm worried about him," you explained.

 "I'm sure he'll be alright don't worry," she reassured you. The game started shortly after that. You watch your boyfriend as he has a hard time keeping up. He stops to catch his breath and Niall comes over and rubs his back. He heads off the field then runs towards the locker room. You get up quickly to follow him. You make your way into the locker room looking for him.

"Hazza?" you call out.

"Y/N," he says weakly. You find him clutching a trash bin with tears in his eyes.

 "Aww Haz," you say sitting down next to him. He coughs and gags once and spits into the bin. "You're alright Harry," you tell him. He gags again and spews into the bin. You rub his back until he's finished and looks up at you. "Let's get you home," you say helping his stand. You take him home and stay with him until his mom gets home. He felt much better the next day.

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