Harry asthma attack

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The boys had been under a lot of stress lately with the tour and their new album coming out. They were being rushed around from interview to photo shoots and concerts. The boys had no time for a break and this day was no different. The boys woke up early that morning and were rushed to a photo shoot. Harry started to feel some tightness in his chest but he shrugged it off as just stress. Louis noticed that Harry wasn't quite himself as the day went on.

"Hey," Louis said putting his arm around Harry. "You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Harry replied. Louis looked him up and down then nodded. They finished up at the photo shoot then were rushed to one of their three interviews that day. Louis stayed close to Harry because was worried. Harry had grown quiet during the interview. He found he has having a difficult time breathing. But again he shrugged it off. Louis nudged him halfway through the interview.

"Alright?" he whispered. Harry nodded. Louis looked at him then patted his leg and looked away.

"So do you think the fan will like this new album?" the interviewer asks.

"Umm, I think so yeah. We've worked really hard on this one," Liam smiled.

"Harry what do you think?" the interviewer asked.

"Umm," Harry coughed and put his hand on his chest. "Excuse me. I do think they will enjoy it. Like Liam said," he coughed again. "Sorry, like Liam. We've worked really hard on this, and we're really proud of it." Harry cleared his throat and found it hard to regain his breath. The interview moved on and Harry didn't talk anymore. After the first interview was over they were rushed to their second interview. They were walking up the stairs and Harry had to stop. He couldn't breathe.

"Hazza?" Louis stopped. He turned to look at him. Harry was hunched over with his hand clutching his chest. "Harry!" Louis rushed back down the stairs. "Harry, what's wrong?" Louis asked in a panic.

"Can't breathe," Harry managed to say. He was gasping for air. His vision started to go blurry and Louis has to stabilize him.

"We need to go to the hospital. You're having an asthma attack," Louis said quickly. He helped Harry back down the stairs and found Paul. Paul rushed over when he saw the commotion.

"What's going on?" he asked putting his hand on Harry back.

"He's having and asthma attack," Louis said quickly.

"The others will be fine. Take him and go," Paul instructed. Louis nodded and rushed Harry to the hospital. He rushed him into the ER and they started a breathing treatment. Louis never left Harry's side.

"Why didn't you say something Hazza?" Louis asked taking Harry's hand.

"We were so busy. I thought it was just stress," Harry replied softly. He shut his eyes and took deep breaths. About an hour later Liam and Niall ran through the door.

"You alright Haz?" Liam asked. Harry nodded.

"Feel much better now," Harry replied. "Why aren't you guys at the other interview?"

"Paul cancelled it," Niall said. Harry nodded. The nurse came in and checked all Harry's vitals. She then released him to the boys.

"Glad you're feeling better Hazza," Louis said taking his hand. Harry smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Thanks for taking care of me," Harry smiled.

"Always," Louis replied. They took it easy for the rest of that day and Harry was just fine by the next day.

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