Harry sick on the bus

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Harry woke up with a pounding headache and an ache in his stomach. It was still dark outside. He looked over his bunk and found his bandmates still sound asleep. He groaned and slowly got out of bed making his way to the front of the bus. He got himself a bottle of water and started to sip on it slowly. It wasn't helping him much. He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes for a little bit hoping the nausea would pass. He thought about waking one of the other boys but he knew everyone was tired. All of a sudden Harry's stomach lurched and he spirted to the bathroom. He barely got the toilet seat up before he started gagged. He retched harshly bringing up his dinner. He was freezing and feared he had a fever and the bus ride probably wasn't helping him.

Niall woke up hearing noises coming from the front of the bus. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. Harry hadn't gotten the bathroom door shut all the way so Niall peered in finding his friend hunched over the toilet bowl heaving violently.

"Hazza!" Niall cried out of concern. He knelt down next to him and pulled back his curly hair.

"Niall," Harry whimpered.

"Shh it's alright Haz, you're alright now." Niall got Harry calmed down and flushed the toilet for him. He held him in his arms on the bathroom floor. "You alright Hazzy?" Niall asked softly. Harry shook his head.

"Stomach feels sick," he whimpered.

"Still?" Niall asked getting worried. Harry nodded. "We'll stay in here Harry. Don't worry I've got you." Harry sighed and let Niall body warm him up. Niall tried to comfort Harry as best he could. He held him in his arms while Harry shivered. After about an hour Harry pulled away from Niall and gagged over the toilet again.

"Niall," he whimpered.

"Haz," Niall sighed. He leaned forward and put his hand on his back. Harry gagged again as stomach contents reappeared in the water below him. "You poor thing," Niall whispered. After serval minutes of heaving Harry's stomach had nothing left in it but it still convulsed trying to send something up. Harry kept dry heaving and tears fell from his eyes due to the pain.

"Hurts," he managed to say. Niall snaked his arm around Harry's waist and set his hand on his stomach, gently rubbing small circles on it. Harry managed to relax and fell back into Niall's arms. Niall once again flushed the toilet.

"Feel any better Haz?" Niall whispered. Harry shook his head. Niall frowned feeling bad for his ill buddy. "Do you want to try to lay down on the couch?"

"Yeah. Think I'm done throwing up for now," Harry groaned. He stood up on his shaky legs and followed Niall out to the couch. Niall laid down first and Harry snuggled to him and let Niall wrap his arms around him. Harry took a deep breath and shut his eyes. Niall rubbed up and down Harry's back until both boys fell asleep.

Liam woke up and wandered to the fount finding the two boys cuddled together on the couch. He thought it was kind of strange that they were both out here instead of him bed. He walked over to them and saw Harry's face to be very pale. He carefully put his hand on his head feeling him burn with a fever. He felt Niall's head too just to be safe but Niall was normal. He walked to the back of the couch and gently shook Niall awake.

"Hmm Haz?" He asked still groggy.

"No mate it's me," Liam whispered.

"Liam? What is it?"

"Is he ok?" Liam asked pointing to Harry. Niall shook his head.

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