Niall panic attack

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I was getting dressed in the hotel bathroom while Niall was still sound asleep. I knew Paul was going to need help getting the boys checked out and to the arena without being mobbed by fans. I finished getting ready and put the rest of my things in my suitcase and shut it.

"Hey love," I heard Niall say softly. I stood up and walked over to the bed. I kissed him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Morning bud," I smiled. He smiled and groaned as he stretched. "I'm gonna be downstairs with Paul start getting ready," I instructed.

"Whatever you say beautiful," he smiled.

"Shut up," I punched my boyfriend playfully. "Get up, I'll see you in a bit." I kissed him again and grabbed my suitcase and walked out the door. I rolled my suitcase down the hall and into the elevator. I hit the lobby floor button and watched the doors close. The evaluator started down and I looked at my phone. It was just after eight. The boy should already be up by now. The elevator dinged as the doors opened. Paul was standing in the lobby staring at his phone. I walked over to him.

"Morning lass," he said looking up at me.

"Morning Paul, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked.

"We gotta get the boys out of here and over to the stage by 9:30. Is everyone up?"

"Well Niall is I didn't see anyone else yet. I'm going to assume so," I smiled. He chuckled.

"For their sake I hope so," he replied. We walked to the desk and started checking out the boys. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out.

Liam: We're all up I think be down in a bit.

"Hey Paul Liam just texted me they're up. They can live another day." Paul laughed and shook his head.

"Lucky for them." I chuckled. Paul was handing me papers and telling me about the rest of the day as we sat in the lobby waiting. "We need to get them there and situated and start their sound check. If everything runs smoothly we'll be fine."

"I don't see there being a problem. It's actually pretty quiet," I said pointing to the door. There were a few girls gathered outside but not many.

"We may make it out of here will all the boy's limbs attached."

"Let's not get too hopeful," I laughed. Paul looked at his watch.

"Where are they? They should be down here by now." My phone started ringing.

"Bet that's one of them," I said pulling out my phone. "Liam," I said holding up my phone to show Paul. "Hey where are you guys?" I asked kind of annoyed.

"We're stuck in the lift," he said franticly. My heart jumped.

"Wait, you're what?" I asked in a panic. Paul looked back at me.

"The lift stopped. The lights came back on but we aren't moving. Y/N, Niall isn't doing well." I was breathing heavy at this point. Niall was extremely claustrophobic and I knew he would be panicking. Paul set his hand on my shoulder.

"What floor are you on? Do you know?" I asked franticly.

"The second."

"Paul, their trapped in the elevator on the second floor. We need to fix it. I have to find them!" I was frantic at this point.

"Are they all in the lift?" he asked.

"Liam is it all of you?"

"No it's just me and Niall."

"It's just him and Niall, Paul."

"Alright, I get these guys to fix it go find them," he said pointing over at the desk.

"I'm coming Liam, Paul is taking care of it." I didn't even give him time to answer me. I hung up the phone and ran up the stairs. I reach the second floor and burst through the door and into the hall. "Liam," I called running through the hall. Nothing. "Liam!" I screamed. I was franticly looking for the elevator.

"Y/N?" a voice said to me. I knew it wasn't Liam. I turned around and saw Harry come out of his room.

"Hazza," I cried running over to him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"What's wrong Y/N, what's happening?" he asked softly. Louis came out of his room too hearing the commotion.

"It's Niall, him and Liam are trapped in the lift. Hazza you know he's claustrophobic. He's so scared I have to find him! I have to find them!" I cried. Harry held me tight.

"We'll find them," he said softly.

"The lift is this way," Louis said quickly. We ran quickly in the direction he was pointing.

"Liam," I called out again. We heard the elevators ding. "Liam!" I yelled.

"Y/N!" I heard him call back. We rounded to corner and saw Liam set Niall down on the ground. His head was in his hands and he was shaking.

"Niall," I whispered. I ran to him and knelt down beside him. He was hyperventilating. "Niall," I started. "Look at me buddy." He looked up tears streaming down his face.

"Y/N," he sobbed throwing himself in my arms. He sobbed into the crock of my neck as I held him.

"Oh Niall, it's alright buddy. Its ok I've got you. You're ok now," I whispered to him as he sobbed. I couldn't help but cry as well. I was so scared for him but I was so glad to have him in my arms. The other boys knelt down around us putting their hands on our backs and shoulders. I don't know how long we sat there. Time seemed to stop and the only thing that mattered was Niall. I heard a voice coming towards us and the other boys stepped away.

"Niall," it was Paul's voice. He sounded concerned. Niall looked look for the first time. "Hey buddy," Paul said putting his hand on Niall's face. Niall let out a soft sob. "I know, I know," Paul said softly. I finally looked up and around at all the others. All the other boys were standing around us with tears in their eyes. Paul's eyes were soft and sad while looking at Niall. "I'm so sorry mate," Paul said to Niall. He sobbed again. "But hey guess what," Niall looked back up at him. "You've got a pretty awesome girl here mate," he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at Paul then back at Niall. His eyes were staring into mine. "She made sure she could find you and get you out." I smiled a little. Niall grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I love you so much," he said still shaking.

"I love you too buddy," I replied.

"We need to get going pal," Paul said quietly. Niall nodded. I stood up first and offered him my hand. He shakily took my hand and stood. He helped him walk down the hall. Needless to say we took the stairs down to the lobby. We got the boys to the arena and Niall was just fine. The boys had a great show.

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