Niall's son sick

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"Why didn't you tell me you were sick Oliver?" Niall asked your 15 year old son as he drove home after picking him up.

"I didn't feel this bad until later in the day," Oliver mumbled putting his head on the window. Niall was at home when he got a call from the high school saying that your oldest son had been sick at school and needed to be picked up. Niall worried because you were out of town for work leaving him with your three boys.

"Don't worry son, we'll get you fixed up," Niall gently told him. He stroked back Oliver's hair feeling heat coming off his head. He sighed a little and kept driving. They pulled into the driveway and both boys got out slowly. Niall led Oliver inside and sat him down on the couch. Oliver had his arm wrapped around his stomach clearly uncomfortable. "Lay down buddy, I'll get you a blanket." Oliver did as he was told and Niall threw a blanket over him. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and the bucket from under the sink. He came back out setting the water on the table and the bucket beside the couch.

"Thanks dad," Oliver whispered letting his eyes shut. Niall leaned down and kissed his boy's head then left the room to call you.

"Hey Ni," you answered happily.

"Hey babe," he replied.

"What's going on?"

"Well I just picked up Otto from school. They called me saying his was sick."

"Oh no, poor baby."

"I'm going to call Harry and see if he'll pick up Aiden and Parker for me so I can be with him. He really not well."

"Dad!" Oliver called from the other room.

"Gotta go babe, I'll talk to you soon."

"Tell Otto I love him," you said quickly.

"I will, love you Y/N."

"Love you too." He hung up the phone and walked quickly back into the living room seeing your oldest boy clutching the bucket he had left for him.

"Aww buddy," Niall whispered sympathetically. He sat down beside him and put his hand on Oliver's back. Oliver coughed over the bin and gagged bringing nothing up.

"I don't want to throw up again," Oliver whined, swallowing hard afterward.

"Don't fight it buddy. You'll feel better," Niall reassured him. Oliver whimpered and gagged again.

"Dad!" he panicked.

"It's alright son," Niall whispered. Oliver's stomach sent up what was left in it, sending his body jolting forward over the bucket. "That's it Otto," Niall encouraged. Oliver retched again filling the bucket with more foul smelling liquid. Niall rubbed up and down his son's back whispering softly to him as he was sick over and over.

"I want to be done," Oliver whined before gagging again.

"Almost done buddy," Niall told him. Oliver coughed and spit into the bucket and started to catch his breath. "Here." Niall leaned forward and grabbed the water from the table. "Rinse your mouth out, you'll get rid of the taste." Oliver took a swig of the water and swished it around in his mouth before spitting it out into the bucket. Niall took the bucket from his hands and stood up allowing Oliver to lay back down.

"Thanks dad," Oliver said softly.

"Course son, just take it easy." Niall walked to the bathroom and washed out the bucket and brought it back to Oliver who was already asleep on the couch. He smiled a little and put the bucket back down beside him. He pushed the hair out of Oliver's face and looked down at him. "I love you son." Niall called Harry who agreed to keep your other two boys while Niall took care of Oliver. He stayed home from school the next day and was feeling much better by evening. 

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