A College Life for Me (Alternate)

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(Harry's P.O.V.)

I shuffled around my room looking for something to wear tonight. I'd been invited to a party that was going to be at the upperclassmen housing. I wasn't much for parting but this time I decided why not. I'd been asked several times if I was going so I figured someone wanted me there. I didn't have a roommate so I didn't have to worry about anyone taking my focus away. I didn't know why I was worried about finding something to wear. I didn't expect to see anyone there I was going to need to impress. The only person I'd care who saw me I had a hard time believing would actually be there. I finally settled on something and put it on.

When I got to the party I was quickly overwhelmed. There were so many people there already. I saw a few people I knew and figured it would be safe to pal around with them. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Hey Hazza," my friend Kathy smiled. She was in choir with me, she sang alto. We had bonded early on in Uni so I always stuck close by her.

"Hey, this is some party huh?" I asked looking around at the sea of people.

"I know it's crazy," I was still looking around.

"You're looking for him aren't you?" she asked.


"Niall, you're looking for him." I felt my face get hot. Kathy smiled. "I heard he's coming."

"Really?" She nodded.

"I'm friends with his roommate Louis. He told me he was going to make Niall come with him tonight." I smiled a little to myself. Niall blew me away the first time I heard him sing. I wanted to get to know him more but I was too scared to put myself out there.

"I'll never be able to talk to him," I sighed sadly. Kathy got a mischievous glint in her eye.

"You just need some liquid courage." She handed me a cup full of beer. I'd been out drinking before and I also had nothing to lose. So I took the cup and took a drink.

"I could use something to take the edge off."

"That's it Styles. Get a few of those in you and you'll have no problem talking to Niall." For whatever reason I felt like that was the best advice I'd ever gotten. I quickly finished the cup I had and went for another one. I took a drink and smiled at Kathy.

"To liquid courage," I said hold my cup up. She held hers up and we both drank.

It was sometime later after I had taken my first drink. By this point I'd had several more and I was feeling it. I had lost Kathy at some point in the night. I was stumbling around trying to find her. My mind was in a fog and the room was spinning. I couldn't really see where I was going so when I ran into someone I wasn't surprised until I looked up and saw it was Niall.

"S-sorry Niall," I managed to say. I was slurring my words something terrible. He looked me over before saying anything.

"You're fine. Are you alright Harry?" I couldn't figure out what he was talking about I felt great.

"Oh yeah," I told him.

"Nialler!" I hadn't even noticed Louis behind him. The room started to spin and the words in my ears were being muffled I didn't understand was Louis was saying.

"Sorry, my roommate is a tad bit drunk," Niall told me. Niall wasn't asking drunk. Why wouldn't he want to be? I was having a great time.

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