Harry High fever

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This story I found the prompt from a list of request I was asked to look through. Hope you like it. 

"Easy now Harry," you whispered to your boyfriend as he threw up again that night. Harry had falling really ill while on tour and you had been sitting up with him all night. He whimpered a little before heaving again. You rubbed his bare back and felt the heat coming off his body. You got up and soaked a rag in cold water.

"Y/N," he mumbled.

  "Right here babe," you said putting the rag on his neck. He coughed and gagged into the bowl again. You sat down behind him and continued rubbing his back.

"M'sorry," he muttered looking back at you.


"I hate that you're up with me. You should be sleeping," he said flushing the toilet.

  "I don't mind," you said pulling him into you. You brushed the sweaty curls off his face and kissed his head.

 "I mind. I should be the one taking care of you," he said letting his eyes close.

  "I'm not the one sick," you replied. He sighed a little. You laid him down and curled up behind him. You guys hadn't left the bathroom all night. You drifted off to sleep before you were jolted awake by the sound of Harry's retching. You sat up quickly and tried to comfort him. He started sobbing.

"I hate this," he cried.

  "Shh, shh. It's alright baby," you soothed. He continued to cry. There was a soft knock on the door. "Yeah?" you called. A sleepy Niall opened the door rubbing his eyes.

 "Are you ok Harry?" he asked softly. Harry shook his head and coughed into the bowl. Niall looked at you with sad eyes. You gave him a sympathetic smile. "What can I do?" he asked.

 "Water," Harry choked. Niall nodded and went to get water. You stroked back his hair as he took a deep breath. Niall reappeared with a bottle of water. You took it thankfully.

 "Thank you Nialler," you smiled. He nodded. You handed the water to Harry who took a few small sips. "You don't have to stay up Niall," you said looking back him. He shook his head.

 "I can stay. I'm worried," he replied. You smiled and nodded.

"Hey buddy, you want to try to lay on the couch?" you asked. Harry nodded. Niall helped him stand and lead him to the couch and sat him down. Harry laid down across you as you rubbed up and down his side. Niall threw a few blankets over him and set the trash from the kitchen down beside him. He then sat down on the couch across from you. "Thank you Niall," you whispered. He smiled.

"Course." Harry was sound asleep quickly.

 "I'm worried Niall," you said.

 "Me too. He's been ill for a while. He's never sick this long."

"I think his fever is really high too," you said putting your hand on his head. Niall nodded. "I don't know what to do," you said fighting the tear that threaten to spill from your eyes. Niall stood up and hugged you.

"It'll all be ok," he whispered in your ear. He pulled back and smiled.

 "Thank you," you replied. He sat back down on the couch. You looked down at Harry. He was very pale and sweaty. It broke your heart to see him like that. You leaned down and kissed his head. Soon after that both you and Niall fell asleep. You woke up again to Harry shifting in his sleep. You opened your eyes quickly and looked down at him. He whimpered and tossed in his sleep but his eyes stayed closed. You looked up at Niall who was still sleeping. You stroked Harry's hair hoping to calm him down. He groaned a little shifting again. You couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. "Hazza?" you whispered. He didn't respond. You rubbed his back until he seemed to settle down. You took a deep breath and looked up at Niall who was still sound asleep. You smiled and shook your head. Not long after that Harry whimpered again and tossed his head. You looked down at him seeing his face pale and sweaty. You put your hand on his head feeling his burning fever that you feared was getting worse. You stroked back his curls hoping to comfort him a little. He whimpered a little and then sat straight up on the couch. He panicked a little looking around.

"Y/N," he cried.

 "I'm right here," you said putting your hand on his back. He turned around quickly to face you. His eyes were full of tears as they searched yours.

  "Why'd you leave?" he asked sadly. Confused, you looked at him.

"Hazza, I haven't gone anywhere," you told him.

"You said goodbye," he said letting tears fall from his eyes.

"No Haz, you must have been dreaming. I'm not going anywhere." You pull him into you and he starts to cry.

 "Don't leave me," he sobs. You rub up and down his back.

 "I won't baby. I won't." Niall wakes up at that point and looks over at you.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Bad dream," you explained.

 "Could be the fever. High fever can cause nightmares," he told you. He stood up and got a cloth for Harry's head. "Here Harry lay down," He told him. Harry laid back down on the couch and Niall put the rag on his head. We went back and got a couple pills for the fever. "Take these." Harry swallowed the pills and took a drink of water. Niall nodded. "I'm gonna wake Paul, think he needs to go to the doctor," Niall said sadly. You nodded. He went back to find Paul and Harry started whimper.

 "You ok Hazza?" you asked him. He shook his head and sat up reaching for the trash. Your heart skipped a beat and you grabbed it for him. He held it tightly breathing heavily over it. You rubbed his back. "It's ok baby. You're ok," you whispered. He heaved into the bin but nothing came up. Your heart broke. Niall and Paul came back up front at that time. Paul sat down next to Harry and put his hand on his head. He nodded and looked at Niall.

 "His fever is really high," he said softly. Harry then dropped the bin and slip back on the couch.

"Harry?" you asked looking at him. His eyes started to roll back and his whole body shook. Paul held his head still until he stopped shaking. Tears were streaming down your face at this point.

  "He needs to go to the hospital. Tell the driver," Paul told Niall. Niall ran up to the driver. You stood up as Paul laid Harry back down on the couch. He grabbed the rag that had fallen on the floor and handed it to you. "Soak this in cold water again please, lass," he told you. You nodded and took it. You came back and handed it to him and he put it on Harry's head. Niall came back and stood beside you. He put his arm around you and hugged you as you cried.

 "He'll be ok," Niall said softly. His voice cracking due to his own tears. You hugged him back and just waited to get to the hospital. When the bus pulled into the hospital parking lot the other two boys had been woken up and told what was happening. You rushed Harry in and they took him back. You all waited nervously for hours until the nurse came back.

"Styles?" she called you all stood up quickly. "He's resting now but he'll be alright." You all let out a sigh of relief. "I can let two of you go back to see him," she told you.

 "Y/N, Niall, you guys were up with him," Paul said. The two of you followed the nurse back to Harry's room. He opened his eyes when he heard you come in. He smiled a little.

 "Hey," he said softly.

"You ok mate?" Niall asked.

 "Bit tired but I'm alright," he replied.

  "You scared us Haz," you told him taking his hand. He brought your hand up and kissed it.

 "Thank you for taking such good care of me."

 "I'm just glad you're ok." He smiled.

 "I love you," he said softly.

"I love you too," you replied. Harry spent the night in the hospital and was released the next day. He was back to his normal self in no time.

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