Louis's oldest son sick

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"How you feeling baby girl?" Louis asked his twelve year old daughter.

"Better, thanks Daddy," Ellie responded. She had been home sick with the flu for a couple days now but she seemed to be back to normal.

"Good babe, very good. Do you think you can go to school today?" Louis asked. She smiled and nodded. "Ok baby, get up and get ready." Louis kissed her head and walked down to his sixteen year old son's room. He walked in expecting him to already be out of bed. When he saw his son still bundled up in his bed he become concerned. "Keaton," Louis said softly. Keaton rolled over looking up at his dad. His eyes were bloodshot, his face pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes. Louis sat down next to his son on his bed. "Alright pal?" Louis asked putting his hand on his son's head. Keaton just shook his head. Louis felt heat coming off Keaton's head and he sighed.

"I don't feel good dad," Keaton whimpered softly. Louis nodded.

"Lay back down. You don't have to go to school. I'll stay home with you," he told him. Keaton nodded and curled back up in bed. Louis walked downstairs and found you in the kitchen. You had stayed home with Ellie while she had been sick but Louis knew you needed to go back to work you. He walked up behind you and kissed you.

"Hey Lou," you smiled.

"Keaton is sick now," you whispered. You turned to face him.

"Think he's got what Ellie had?" you ask. Louis nodded.

"I think it's a pretty good guess. He's quite pale and has a bit of a fever. I'll stay home with him today," He told you. You nodded.

"Call me if you need anything," you told him. Louis nodded and kissed you. You both got Ellie around for school and you took her to school and went to work. Louis made some toast and took it up to Keaton's room.

"Hey pal," Louis said softly. "Brought you something. You need to eat a bit."

"I don't think I can," Keaton replied.

"Please try," Louis said handing him the plate. Keaton took a few bite of the toast and refused the rest.

"My stomach hurts dad," Keaton whined. Your son didn't get sick often but when he did he was typically helpless.

"Alright pal, alright," Louis said taking the plate from him. "Do you feel like you might be sick?" Louis asked pushing the hair out of Keaton's face. He just shrugged. "Well here," Louis started. He took the trash from the corner of his room and put it next to him. "Try to get some more sleep and yell if you need me." Keaton nodded and laid back down curling into a ball and wrapping his arms around his stomach. Louis rubbed his back before leaving the room and heading downstairs. He picked up his phone and saw that Harry had tried to call him. He called him back and waited for Harry to answer.

"Hey Lou, where are you?" Harry asked.

"Keaton got what Ellie had, Y/N has to go back to work so I stayed with him," Louis explained.

"Aw poor lad, is he alright?" Harry asked.

"What's wrong?" Niall shouted in the background.

"Keaton is sick," Harry responded.

"Oh no, hope he's alright," Niall responded.

"He'll be alright, complaining his stomach hurts but I'm hoping he'll get it all out of his system soon," Louis told them.

"Dad," Keaton called.

"Hey boys I've got to go," Louis said quickly.

"Alright mate, call if you need anything," Harry said.

"Dad!" Keaton called again.

"Will do boys, gotta go now," Louis hung up the phone and ran upstairs. He went quickly to Keaton's room and found him clutching his trash can.

"Dad I feel like I'm gonna throw up," Keaton said his voice breaking.

"Alright, son. Alright, it's ok," Louis soothed, sitting down next to his son. Keaton breathed heavy over the bin while Louis rubbed his back. "Relax pal," Louis whispered. Keaton's stomach lurched up and he spewed into the bin. Louis rubbed his back as he retched over and over. "Nearly there son," Louis said softly. Keaton coughed and heaved again bring nothing up this time. "Relax," Louis whispered. Keaton gagged a few more times but was able to relax soon after. He looked up at his dad with tears in his eyes. "Done?" Louis asked.

"I think so," Keaton replied handing the bin over to Louis.

"Feel any better?" Louis asked. Keaton nodded. "Alright buddy, lay back down. I'll bring this back." Louis stood up and went to the kid's bathroom and changed out the bag. He took it back to Keaton's room where he found he was already fast asleep. Louis leaned down and kissed his son's head. He put the bin down beside him and walked out quietly. Keaton sept the rest of the day. Later on that night you got him to eat something and he said he was feeling better. He looked over at his dad.

"Dad," he said. Louis looked over at him. "Thanks for looking after me," he said shyly. Louis smiled.

"You're welcome son."

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