BSM he's sick (Harry)

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He's 17

You're 19

You were coming home from college for Christmas break and you were overjoyed to see your family. You ran into your house and hugged your mother and father.

"How are you honey?" You mom asked you.

"I'm so glad to be home," you replied. You look around for your brother. "Where's Haz?"

"He's upstairs in bed. He's not feeling very well. He's really excited your home though," your dad explains. Your heart sinks a little.

"Is he ok?" you ask.

"He had a pretty rough night. He's got a little bit of a fever and he threw up a few times," your mom told you.

"If he's sick I don't want to go out tonight, I'll just stay with him," you say putting your bags down. "We'll go out when he feels better." You mom smiles.

"Why don't you go see him?" She says. You nod and walk upstairs, throwing your stuff in your room. You knock softly on your brother's door before walking in.

"Hazza," you say softly. He opens his eyes and smiles.

"Hey Sis," he says weakly. You sit down beside his bed.

"Heard you're not feeling very well," you said putting your hand on his head. He leans into your touch. You and your brother were really close, especially after you left for school.

"I feel like shit," he mumbles.

"You look like shit," you tease. He smiles.

"Are you and Mom and Dad gonna go out? I know they wanted to," he said propping himself up on his arm.

"Nope, I told them we'd go out when your got better. I'd much rather stay here and see you puke," you smile at him. He chuckled a little.

"You may get your wish. I still feel awful," he tells you.

"Why don't you relax? I'll be home for a month. Get some sleep. I just wanted to come see you," you say standing up. He coughs and nods. You smile and leave his room and head back downstairs to sit in the living room with your parents. You answer all their questions about school and your classes. Eventually Harry comes downstairs.

"Look who decided to join us," your dad said.

"Feeling any better honey?" your mom asked. He shakes his head and plops down on the couch draping himself across you. You laugh putting your arm around him.

"You're an idiot," you tell him. He chuckles a little.

"Tell us about your roommate," your mom says.

"Oh she's great. We get along really well. We went to this meet and greet thing at the beginning of the year, and there was this guy who kept following her around and kept trying to get her number. We see him around campus all the time it's really funny," you laugh. Harry coughs and lays down across you. "Haz, why did you get out of bed?" you ask looking down at him.

"I haven't seen you in months," he replies.

"Honey, you need to take it easy," you mom says.

"I'm fine," he says shivering a little. You grab a blanket from the rack next to you and throw it across him. "Thanks," he said with a sigh. Your dad gets up and walks out to the kitchen. The phone rings which he picks up. He comes back with a sleeve of crackers and the phone.

"It's for you love. It's the clinic," he says handing the phone to your mom. She sighs and takes the phone and goes into the other room. "Here Harry, try to eat a little bit," he says handing Harry the crackers. He takes out a few and eats them slowly. Your mom come back into the living room and hangs up the phone.

"I have to go in. I'm really sorry guys," she says sadly.

"It's alright don't worry about it mom," you say. She walks over and kisses you.

"A vet's work is never done. Glad you're home sweetie," she says. She rubs Harry's back. "You gonna be ok?" she asks. He nods. "Alright guys, I'll see you later." With that she walks out the door. Harry puts down the crackers and curls up again. You rub his back.

"So, any boys I need to know about," your dad asks. You laugh.

"No, trust me. No boys," you say with a smile. The phone rings again.

"Are you kidding me," your dad says getting up. He picks up the phone and walks away. Harry groans a little causing you to look down at him.

"You ok Haz?" you ask. He shrugs a little. Your stroke his hair a little. Your dad reappears in the room.

"I'm sorry guys, I have to go into the office," he grumbles clearly unhappy. "I told them not to call me today."

"It's ok dad, don't worry about it. I'll stay with Hazza. I'm pretty tired anyways. We'll all go out this weekend." He kisses you.

"Love you baby girl," he says softly. You smile. "I'll be home soon. Harry you ok?" he asks. He nods. "Alright, I shouldn't be too late. Just need to take care of these idiots." You laugh a little and he walks out the door. Leaving just you and your brother. He coughs and groans a little.

"Haz, are you sure you're alright?" you ask rubbing his back. He shakes his head.

"I shouldn't have eaten anything," he groans putting his arm around his stomach.

"Are you gonna throw up?" He shakes his head.

"Not yet at least," he replies.

"Here, sit up." He sits up and you go into the kitchen. You pull out a bottle of Sprite. You walk back over to him. "Here, sip on this. It might help." He takes it and sips it slowly. You sit back down next to him. He takes a few more sips and put it down. "Is it helping?" You ask him. He shakes his head. "Oh Haz, you really are sick aren't you?" He gags a little and slaps his head to his mouth.

"Y/N," he whimpers with a panicked look in his eyes.

"You're ok buddy, come on lets go to the bathroom," you say taking his hand. You lead him into the bathroom as he gags again. He leans over the toilet and looks up at you.

"I don't want to throw up again," he cries. Harry hated being sick. That was always true ever since you two were little. You kneel down next to him and rub his back.

"You'll feel better, Hazza," you tell him. He gags again and spits into the bowl.

"Y/N," he groans.

"I'm right here," you reassure him. He coughs then heaves into the bowl throwing up the few crackers he had eaten. "There you go, Haz," you tell him.

"Oh God, this is horrible," he whimpers before another round of vomit comes barreling up his throat.

"Nearly there Haz." He gags one more time before he is able to breathe normally. He takes a shaky breath and flushes the toilet.

"Sorry," he says shyly.

"Hey I told you I wanted to see you throw up," you smile. He chuckles a little. "You feel better?" He nods. "Come on Haz, you need to get in bed."

"Maybe you're right," he agrees. You help him back upstairs and into his room where he lays down.

"You ok?" You ask. He nods. You start to walk away when he stops you.

"Y/N," he calls.

"Yeah, Haz?"

"I'm glad you're home." You smile.

"Me too buddy. Feel better." He smiles and shuts his eyes. He slept through the night and was feeling better by morning. You enjoyed your time home with your family greatly after that.

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