Larry Louis upset stomach

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(Harry's P.O.V.)

As soon as I walked in Louis and I's flat I knew something wasn't right. It was really dark and eerily quiet. I had gone home for a few days to visit my sister and I left Louis on his own. I took my coat off and kicked off my shoes. Maybe Louis wasn't here.

"Louis?" I called out.

"Haz," I heard him call weakly. I went to where I heard him call quickly and found him curled up on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

"Louis, babe you alright?" I asked kneeling down next to him. He shook his head. "What wrong Lou?"

"I don't feel very good," he whimpered. Louis was like a child when he didn't feel good. I knew he would want to lay around and cuddle which I didn't really mind.

"What does feel good Lou?" I asked him softly.

"My belly hurts," he wined. I put my hand on his head and let him lean into my touch.

"I don't think you have a fever," I started. "Does it just hurt or do you feel like you might throw up?" He shrugged a little. Louis hated throwing up. He absolutely despised it. He would fight it with all the will power he had. "Do you think it might have been something you ate?" I asked him.

"Niall and I went out last night. Might have been the food." He groaned and clutched his stomach.

"You should've call me if you didn't feel well Louis. I would've come home earlier." I ran my fingers through his messy hair

"I knew you'd be back today," he said softly.

"How about I take you up to bed? I'll cuddle with you and see if I can't make your tummy feel better." He smiled a little and nodded. We walked up the stairs and I laid Louis down in bed.

"Lay with me," he whines.

"I want to take you temperature just to be sure Louis." He groans as I walk away. I rustle around in the bathroom cabinet looking for the thermometer. When I found it I took it back to Louis and sat down on the bed next to him. "Here Lou." I stuck the thermometer in his mouth and put my hand on his head. He closed his eyes as I started to play with his hair. When the thermometer beeped I took it out of Louis mouth. His temperature was normal. It must have just been something he ate. "You don't have a fever Lou. I'll be right back." I took the thermometer back and then laid in bed with Louis. I cuddled in behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I don't feel good Hazza," Louis whimpered.

"I know Louis, I know. I've got you now. You're ok." I put my hand on his stomach. "Does it hurt when I touch it?" He shook his head. I started to gently add pressure to his stomach as I read circles over it. His body started to relax a little.

I laid with him for about an hour before he started to become antsy. He shifted uncomfortably several times and cuddled into me putting his head on my neck. I rubbed up and down his back trying to help him relax. He would whimper and move in closer to me. I didn't know what to do for him.

"Harry," he whimpered.

"What is it Lou?" I whispered in his ear.

"I feel sick." He started to cry softly.

"Do you need to throw up?" I asked him.

"I don't want to throw up," he cried. He hiccupped as tears fell from his eye. I sat him up and pulled him into my chest.

"Calm down Louis, Shhh, shhh, it's alright." He continued to cry which was just making him feel worse. He pulled away from me and gagged into his hand then quickly put his hand over his mouth. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes. Without saying a word, I stood up and lifted him off the bed and led him into the bathroom. He knelt in front of the toilet as I lifted the lid for him.

"Harry," he cried. He gagged again over the bowl. "I don't want to throw up." I knelt down next to him and put my hand on the back on his head and gently scratched his head. He loved when I did that and it helped his relax.

"You'll feel better Louis. Don't fight it," I whispered. His stomach lurched up sending all that was inside up Louis's throat and out his mouth. He retched loudly as his stomach convulsed sending up all he had eaten the night before. We sat there for serval minutes until Louis was finished a spit the remain bile out of his out of his mouth and flushed his dinner away.

"I think I'm done," Louis sighed leaning back on me. I rubbed his arms letting his body relax.

"Do you feel any better?" I asked him. He nodded.

"My body hurts now."

"Let's wash your mouth out then we can go back and lay down." He nodded and stood up. He brushed his teeth and we went back to bed. He cuddled into me and rested his head on my chest.

"I'm glad your home Hazza," he whispered.

"Me too Louis. Try to get some sleep yeah?" Louis took a deep breath and let his eyes shut. I stayed with him the rest of that night. The next day when we woke up Louis was back to his normal happy self.

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