This Town

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Ok. So I've been super busy all day and haven't had a chance to post about this wonderfully beautiful song my baby boy released today. Not going to lie I cried when I heard it the first time. It was a mix of tears bc the song was so good and me being so proud of Nialler I couldn't even help myself.

I'm so proud of how far that boy has come. He went for the super insecure little Niall we knew in 2010 to making his own music by himself. Plus he definitely confirmed that 1D is coming back in that interview he did so there's that. I'm just rambling at this point. I'm just so proud of him. I've never been prouder to be a Niall girl. Feel like my baby is all grown up. I can't wait to see what else he has for us. I will be buying like ten Niall Horan albums when he releases it. Just saying!

Ok that's it for now. Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've had some personal stuff I've been dealing with. Hope to get something up real soon for you guys. Love you guys!

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