Robb Stark X Reader - Long Live The King

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You had never been one to spend time with other Lords and Ladies. The high-born were boring people; the girls just wanted to talk needle-work, the women wanted to speak of marriage and betrothal, the men spoke of war and politics, and the boys had never wanted anything to do with you. 

You would suppose that was the reason you had never met any of the Stark children. Even at feasts you found a way to be alone and avoiding almost everyone. It wasn't until Robb had been named the 'King in the North' that your father had dragged you to meet him. With you turning 19, he needed to find you a husband, and though it was a bit of a push for you to be wed to a King, he was adamant that Robb would find your peculiarities charming. 

So, that was how you found yourself sat in the back of a carriage being taken to Robb's war camp. It wouldn't be the most appropriate of meeting places but it was the only way your father could force a meeting.

As you drew to a stop your father climbed out, telling you to remain where you were. You could here muttered arguing outside, one voice sounding feminine. And then the door was yanked open, blinding you with sudden light.

"I've told you Edmund, he is already betrothed to the Frey girl, you should never have brought her here," The women's voice exclaimed at your Father who gripped your arm, pulling you from the carriage.

"All I am asking is that they meet Catelyn," he growled back as you stumbled, trying to stay on your feet, "I won't force a betrothal on the boy." She was red in the face, staring at him with pure hatred.

"I will not let you ruin my son's chances of winning this war," she glared again, trying to stand in his way, however you both saw your fathers face light up as he looked past Catelyn to the man striding in your direction.

"Mother, I didn't know we were having visitors today?" you heard a deep voice call, drawing your eyes away from your Father to see a tall, handsome man headed towards you.

"We don't, they are just leaving Robb," Catelyn stated turning to him, "You can go back to your tent," she told him. 

"Your Grace," your Father said loudly before he could turn to leave, "I know you have met my sons, but I wanted to introduce you to my only daughter, Lyanna, named for your aunt, of course," he grinned at Catelyn who stood seething beside her son. 

"It's an honour to meet you, Your Grace," you mumbled,doing a small curtsey as your cheeks reddened in embarrassment from the scene you Father was creating.

"And you, My Lady. Would you like to walk with me? Our parents look like they need to speak to one another," he smiled at you as he shot his Mother a look from the side of his eye. He held his arm out for you to take and you linked them together walking away from your Father who was beaming as he watched you.

"I am sorry for the way my Father is behaving, Your Grace. He was hoping that Lady Catelyn would agree for us to wed. Being the Good Father of The King in the North would be a great honour for him," You mumbled shaking you head as he chuckled.

"I understand, My Lady. It's unfortunate that I am to be wed to one of the Frey girls," he murmured, looking down at you as you continued to walk among the tents, the eyes of his men following you both as you did so.

"It is, Your Grace" you said, refusing to look up into his eyes. Would he have wanted to wed you if he were not already betrothed to this Frey girl? You remained quiet as you thought to yourself, only to be shocked out of it by your Father coming to stand in front of the two of you.

"You shall be wed, and Edmure Tully shall marry the Frey child in your place, Your Grace" he announced with a big grin on his face. 

Robb stared at your Father. "And the Freys shall not be offended by the change of plan?" he asked, his brows furrowed. Your Father just shook his head. "Well, then we must find my mother and celebrate properly," he says smiling down at you, only to see you smiling back up at him.

Robb leads you both back to his tent, allowing your Father to enter first before gesturing for you to pass through first whilst uttering, "My queen". 

You return the favour by quickly leaning in to kiss his cheek, hovering there for a second to whisper in his ear "Long live the king," before turning on your heel and entering the tent.

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