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You'd had the sight for as long as you could remember, much like your younger brother Bran. You could see things that were going to happen long before they were even thought of. You could see events that had not yet happened. You'd always tried to keep your gift to yourself, especially once you had moved to King's Landing with your father and sisters. Others may not be as accepting as your family were. It scared some people; they thought you were a witch, someone to be feared.

There was a boy who lived in Winterfell when you were young; he was a nice boy, the blacksmith's son. You had been great friends until he had found out about your visions. One evening, you had seen him being kicked in the head by one of the horses he tended to and you  had decided that you had no choice but to warn him. You had managed to warn him off but he had become scared of you. He didn't trust you anymore and began to avoid you. After that, you would have been friendless again if it weren't for your siblings.

You didn't want to go through that again, not now that you were older, and not here in the Capital with the King breathing down your neck. But it wasn't always avoidable. During the Battle of the Blackwater, Cersei, had found you curled up on the floor, your eyes rolled back into your head as if you were dead. She told you that if you didn't tell her what you had seen she would have you beaten, flogged in the street in front of the people who called your father a traitor, the people who believed the same of you.

Of course, you had no choice. You began to tell her everything, of the wildfire that was going to engulf the water surrounding the city, of the King's victory over Stannis Baratheon, of her brother's injury during the fighting.

You weren't sure she believed you at first, and then the explosions began outside. Her grip had tightened on your arm, holding you close to her as she whispered to you. "What else have you seen?" she growled, pulling you away from the other women and cornering you.

"Nothing; I promise," you whispered back. That was the first time you had ever lied to Cersei, but it wouldn't be the last.

"Come to me if you see anything else, I'm not sure everyone in King's Landing will be as excepting as myself, child," she told you, letting her hand caress your red, tear-stained cheek as she threatened you ever so gently.

"Yes, Your Grace. Thank you," you answered quickly, pulling away to go and find Sansa and her handmaiden among the crowd.

"Where were you?" Sansa hissed as you finally slumped onto a cushion on the floor beside her, letting out a heavy sigh as you relaxed.

"I had a vision," you whispered back, causing her to turn in her seat and stare at you. "Cersei saw me; she knows," you added with a harsh sigh, closing your eyes and running your hands over your face. How could you have let her catch you?

*Time Skip*

You had been keeping your visions from Cersei for months, and you were sure she knew it; her little spies were everywhere in the Red Keep.

After Sansa had escaped King's Landing she had made her men question you harshly, beating you for answers, though you maintained your innocence the whole time. A few sharp slaps was not enough to get your visions from you, not if she couldn't prove that you'd even had one in the first place.

She had let you go, told you that you had to come to her with any visions you may have in the future, that your punishments would only get worse if you continued to hide them from her.

It was that evening that you had been caught off guard by one of your visions in the halls leading to your chambers. You had quickly shuffled yourself into a corner, hidden behind a stone statue, but your whimpers were enough to give away your position as you were dragged before the King and his mother.

"Lady Y/N?" Tommen questioned as he watched you shake on the floor, your body pale and your eyes rolled back into your head, only the whites on show as you murmured under your breath. "What is she doing here, Mother? She needs the Maester," he asked, full of fear, his eyes unable to tear from your form where it lay crumpled on the floor.

"She's fine; it's one of her visions. I asked the guards to bring her to us if they were to ever find her in this condition," she informed her son, her hand resting gently on his forearm. "There is nothing to be scared of, she could have some very valuable information when she comes back to us," she added, sitting up straighter as she watched you still, a smile on her face.

The first thing you remembered, when you came back around, was how good the cold stone felt on your bruised cheeks. Your breathing was still staggered as you took in the throne room, and the King sitting before you.

"Tell us what you saw, Y/N," Cersei spoke up, smirking down at you in glee until you began to smile, remembering your vision.

You let out a short, sharp laugh as you climbed to your knees, facing the royal family as you shook with, now silent, laughter.

"Why is she laughing, Mother? What's so funny?" Tommen asked as the people of the court all muttered about your strange behaviour.

"They're all going to die, right here," you laughed again, locking eyes with the boy King as he shuffled awkwardly on his throne. "Don't worry, Your Grace. You'll be long gone before any of that, you won't suffer the fire," you told him with a small shrug.

"It's a crime to threaten your King; learn from your father's mistakes," Cersei spat down at you causing you to laugh again.

"Your threats don't work on me. I know how I die and it won't be at your hands," you chuckled out, slapping your hands lightly against the stone floor. "You'll kill these people though, you'll even kill him," you told her more seriously, pointing at her son where he sat beside her.

"What is she talking about, Mother?" Tommen questioned, growing more and more frustrated by your avoidance of the questions.

"I watched you die. I watched you all die," you told him softly. You chuckled, focusing your eyes on Cersei again. "In the game of Thrones, you either win or you die, and none of you will survive the Dragon Queen," you laughed again.

"Shut her up," Cersei spat at one of the guards, but he didn't move an inch from the King's side.

"I watched your skin melt from your bones, and I have never been so happy," you laughed at cersei, smiling as you watched her shift uncomfortably in her seat. "I watched a dragon tear you in two at her command and I smiled," you added with a shrug.

The room fell silent as everyone watched you climb to your feet, your legs still shaking as you gave a small bow.

"Daenerys Targaryen will destroy you all with my father's bastard at her side, and I'll outlive every single person in this room," you chuckled before pointing to Cersei. "Except for your Brother; Tyrion's already with her, he'll be her Hand for some time," you laughed again as she began to turn red, getting to her feet rather suddenly.

"Stop it," she growled as you watched her with a smirk. "Get out of my sight," she yelled again.

You gave them a nod before speaking again. "Your Grace," you addressed her son. "It's been an honour to come before you this evening," you told him politely before turning from the room and walking away from the unusually pale crowd.

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